
Councillor Matlow's statement on Mayor Ford's removal from office

Dear residents,

As many of you will have already heard, Mayor Rob Ford was found guilty today of violating the Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act and was ordered to be removed from office in 14 days. You can read the entirety of the judge's decision here. This is certainly an unprecedented moment in Toronto's history.

This decision has created an uncertain situation at City Hall. Next steps will depend on the success of the Mr. Ford's appeal and, if successful, the length of the ensuing court process. If his appeal is not granted or ultimately unsuccessful, Council will have two options regarding a replacement; Council can call a by-election or make an appointment. Given that it is only half way through this term of Council, I will be supporting a by-election if the issue is resolved relatively soon. However, if the matter remains unresolved due to an appeals process for a considerable length of time, I will support an interim appointment until the 2014 election.

In an ideal situation, the Mayor of Toronto would provide the city with strong leadership and a clear vision on substantive municipal issues. Aside from a few notable exceptions, Mr. Ford's term of office has sadly been a constant sideshow of litigation, gaffes, and a distracting focus on high school football. This circus, no matter who our mayor is, must come to an end. In the absence of constructive participation from Mr. Ford, I have been working with my colleagues on Council in a non-partisan manner over the past two years to focus on Toronto's priorities including expanding transit, reducing gridlock, improving the planning process, heritage preservation, beautifying our neighbourhoods, jobs and economic development and making progress on many other issues that I know are important to you.

Our city should not be divided for political purposes between left and right or downtown and suburbs- together, we are all residents of Toronto.

Whether the mayor is granted an appeal, or a new leader for Toronto is chosen, I will continue to work with you and with members of Council on your behalf, to move our city forward. I hope that Council, regardless of who is mayor, will make decisions for our city based on evidence and the merits of arguments, rather than blind ideology and divisive politics. And ultimately, with respect to conflict of interest legislation, each member of Council must simply follow the rules.



Mega Quarry Stopped, Privately Owned Public Spaces, Oriole Park Community Garden, Casa Loma, a Museum of Toronto, the Beltline, Eglinton & more

Melancthon Mega-Quarry Stopped!

YES! Mega-quarry stopped. Highland withdraws Melancthon quarry plans:

To learn more about why Torontonians should care, click here.

Notice of Motion for November 27th City Council Meeting: Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS): Protecting and increasing access to publicly secured open spaces

There are already many dozens of parks, plazas, open spaces, squares and walkways in Toronto that you don't know you're allowed to access and enjoy. In fact, in some cases developers seek to infill onto private land that was secured decades ago by the City of Toronto for public use.

Please see my motion to identify and protect these spaces, and ensure public access, for Toronto's residents.

REMINDER: The Future of Casa Loma and a Museum of Toronto Public Meeting

In August 2011, City Council created the Casa Loma Corporation (CLC) for the purpose of managing the continuing operations of Casa Loma on an interim basis until its future ownership and management direction could be determined. The City of Toronto is now moving forward with a plan to ensure the long-term viability of Casa Loma and the potential for a Museum of Toronto as part of the site’s future. For more information about our progress, click here. I invite you to attend a public meeting to learn about these opportunities and give us your feedback, vision and guidance.

Date: Monday, November 26th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Location: Casa Loma (1 Austin Terrace)

Attendees may arrive at 5:30 p.m. for a site visit of the property prior to the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m.

Call for Committee Members: Oriole Park Community Garden

For the past several months, I have been working with City staff and local residents to establish a community garden, Ward 22's first, in Oriole Park. This new initiative will bring community members together to grow food locally. The decision to establish a community garden in Oriole Park resulted from a Participatory Budgeting meeting I held in April of 2012.

Community gardening is a great way to access fresh, organic crops locally. It helps cut down the need to import international produce, and contributes towards a healthier environment by reducing chemical inputs in our food and reducing pollution caused by the industrial food system. Community gardening provides news ways for our children and youth to connect with the world around them, stimulating healthy and well-connected communities.

I am looking for interested community members near Oriole Park who would like to become involved in launching the project. A committee with five to ten members will be established to assist with this process. It is my hope that the Oriole Park Community Garden Committee will be made up of energetic local residents who are committed to making community gardening an integral part of life in Midtown. If interested, please contact me at [email protected] or call my office at 416-392-7906.

Designing the Future of Eglinton with Antoine Grumbach

Internationally-renowned architect and urban designer Antoine Grumbach will be presenting about the Eglinton Planning Study at Designing the Future of Eglin, Wednesday, November 28 beginning at 6:30 pm. The event location is North Toronto Collegiate Institute (17 Broadway Avenue). The main topic of discussion will be how Eglinton can redevelop and reinvent itself with the new LRT. Some of Mr. Grumbach's previous projects have included public realm improvements for the Le Tramway in Paris and the current expansion of the Moscow LRT system. After an illustrated presentation by Mr. Grumbach at 7:30 pm, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. For more information, please visit www.toronto.ca/eglinton.

Beltline Trail Study Public Meetings

Next month, there will be two Beltline Trail Study public meetings on December 4th and 5th at the following locations:

  • The south-east public meeting on Tuesday, December 4th will be from 6 to 8:30 pm. The meeting location is the St. Paul's Bloor Street Church (227 Bloor Street East).
  • The north-west public meeting on Wednesday, December 5th will also be from 6 to 8:30 pm. The meeting location is West Preparatory Junior Public School (70 Ridge Hill Drive).

For more information, please visit www.toronto.ca/beltline.

Parents, Teens & Money Sense Workshop and Fair

People and Organizations in North Toronto is hosting a public event on financial literacy on Tuesday, November 27 from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. There will be guest speakers presenting on effective money management, setting financial goals, and key financial strategies and tools for teens. You can also get a free autographed copy of "The ABCs of Making Money for Teens". The event will be happening on the 2nd Floor Committee Room at the North Toronto Memorial Community Centre (200 Eglinton Avenue West). Light refreshments will be provided. Please pre-register at 416-487-2390 or send an email to [email protected], as spaces are limited.

Leaf Pickup Procedure

As winter is near, I am kindly reminding residents of the proper procedure for leaf pickup. The City collects garden waste items such as leaves, which can be put out for collection in paper yard waste bags. Please do not leave garden waste out in plastic bags and please do not rake your leaves onto the side of the road.

You can also feed leaves to your backyard composter in the fall, stockpiling leaves to add as dry material during the winter. Backyard bins supplied by the City are available. They are easy to use and cost as little as $15 dollars.

If you have any questions please call 311 or visit www.toronto.ca/compost.

Development Applications

It is a priority for me to keep neighbourhood residents informed about any proposals developers have for our ward. Please click here to see an interactive map I've prepared for you to review. Please always feel welcome to contact my office if you have any questions.

Casa Loma, a Museum of Toronto, meeting notices and updates

The Future of Casa Loma and a Museum of Toronto Public Meeting

In August 2011, City Council created the Casa Loma Corporation (CLC) for the purpose of managing the continuing operations of Casa Loma on an interim basis until its future ownership and management direction could be determined. The City of Toronto is now moving forward with a plan to ensure the long-term viability of Casa Loma and the potential for a Museum of Toronto as part of the site’s future. For more information about our progress, click here. I invite you to attend a public meeting to learn about these opportunities and give us your feedback, vision and guidance.

Date: Monday, November 26th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Location: Casa Loma (1 Austin Terrace)

Attendees may arrive at 5:30 p.m. for a site visit of the property prior to the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m.

We will be seeking feedback from the public in two key areas at this meeting:

1.     The future of the main building (south side of Austin Terrace)

The City is seeking qualified proponents with whom to enter into a long term lease to operate Casa Loma as an historic attraction and special event venue. As the Request for Proposal (RFP) is developed and the associated evaluation criteria the Board is interested in hearing from the public about your priorities for the building and opportunities to expand on its role in presenting Toronto’s history. A two stage Request for Proposal (RFP) will be issued in mid-December 2012.

2.     The future of other buildings (north side of Austin Terrace)

In early 2013 the Board will issue a Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for a vision and uses for the complex north of Austin Terrace, including the Hunting Lodge, Potting Shed, and Stables. At this public meeting input will be sought on the REOI, where Respondents will be asked to consider the feasibility of including a Museum of Toronto in their proposals.

Official Plan Open House

City staff have developed a draft of new Official Plan Section 37 policies for affordable housing and are looking for feedback from you on the draft policies. If interested, you can attend their Open House or view the proposed draft online at http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2012/pg/bgrd/backgroundfile-49671.pdf.

Date: Wednesday, November 21st
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Metro Hall, Room 310 (55 John Street)

Toronto Cycle Workshop

Please join me for an interactive Street Smarts workshop with Cycle Toronto. The workshop will focus on riding safely in cold, rain, and snow. You’ll gain knowledge on appropriate clothing, safe riding techniques, and maintaining your bicycle. We’ll also review rules of the road and route selection, and give you all the knowledge you need to get out there!  Please RSVP by Thursday, November 22nd to [email protected].

Date: Saturday, November 24th
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Location: CyclePath Norco (2106 Yonge Street)

Engagement Resources

As part of the City of Toronto's ongoing efforts to support civic engagement, the City has developed an online Civic Engagement Portal at www.toronto.ca/civic-engagement. On the Portal, you can learn more about City government and how you can get involved. You can review a series of Learning Guides on the following topics: Accountability, Affordable Housing, City Agencies and Corporations, City Council and its Committees, City Planning, Decision-Making, Elections, Roles of the Mayor and City Council, and the Toronto Public Service. These online guides can be translated into numerous languages using the website's built-in translation tool.

Meetings with neighbourhood associations, tenant associations, condo boards, TCHC tenants and other local groups of residents

Most weekday evenings, I meet with groups of Ward 22 residents to discuss important issues, update them on city hall and local matters and learn about priorities they'd like me to advocate for in the community and at city council.

If your group would like to meet with me, please feel welcome to contact my office and speak with Chloe to arrange a date, location and time.

Councillor Josh Matlow's Community Update for November 5th, 2012

Dear residents,

Last week's storm caused some localized power outages, tree damage and basement flooding in Ward 22 and across Toronto. I would like to commend our city's first responders, Toronto Hydro workers and City Forestry staff for working around the clock to deal with emergency situations, restore power and remove fallen trees and branches.  Of course, all of our thoughts are with our neighbours in the northeastern United States, and further south, who bore the brunt of Hurricane Sandy. A week later, there are still many people without shelter, power, fuel or food. If you would like to help, please support the Red Cross' efforts to support those affected by this tragedy.

Please see my community update, along with upcoming public meeting dates, below.



Preservation of historic Postal Station K in North Toronto

As some of you are surely aware, Postal Station K is an building and still-functioning post office that sits on Yonge just north of Eglinton. Its long-standing service to the community, sitting on the site of the Upper Canada Rebellion's Montgomery Tavern, along with its Art Deco architecture and the rare Royal Cipher of Edward VIII make this a very valuable and historic building. I have therefore put my support behind the Eglinton Park Residents' Association's formal application to have the City grant Postal Station K heritage status. I invite anyone who wishes to find out more about the issue and get involved to take a look at their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/YongeEglintonPostOfficeStationK.

Mount Pleasant Village BIA Annual General Meeting

I'll be speaking at the Mount Pleasant Village BIA Annual General Meeting, tonight, Monday, November 5 at 6:30 PM at The Briton House (720 Mount Pleasant Road). Please visit their website for more information about events and activities in the community. In addition, congratulations to their Coordinator, Julie Federman, and the BIA Board, for hosting a very successful Harvest Fair and for winning a TABIA award for their original street tapis event, "Restaurauntacular".

US Election Night with Democrats Abroad

On Tuesday night I'll be watching the US election results with Democrats Abroad at the Sheraton Centre Hotel (123 Queen Street West). I hope to see you there! Election returns begin at 8 PM. Tickets are $25 at the door.

Maurice Cody Public School FSA

The next meeting of Maurice Cody PS Family and School Association this Tuesday, November 6, at 7 PM in the school library. I'll be stopping by to speak with parents about my support for school initiatives including improving their school field.

17-25 Lascelles Boulevard Planning Meeting

I invite you to attend a community consultation meeting with City Planning staff and myself on Wednesday, November 7, at 7 PM, at Christ Church Deer Park about a proposed development at the Brentwood Towers on Lascelles Boulevard. A rezoning application has been submitted to City Planning to permit the construction of 12 townhomes, each three storeys high.

Oriole Park Association Public Meeting

The Oriole Park Association is hosting a public meeting on Wednesday, November 7, about developments at Yonge and Eglinton. Toronto's Chief Planner, Jennifer Keesmaat, will be the guest speaker. Everyone is welcome. The event begins at 7 PM at North Toronto Memorial Community Centre in the Multi-Purpose Room on the ground floor.

Councillor Matlow at Remembrance Day Ceremonies

As Remembrance Day will be falling on a Sunday this year, on Friday, November 9th, I will be attending Remembrance Day ceremonies at Northern Secondary School and Maurice Cody Public School to commemorate the thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives as members of the Canadian armed forces. I am very pleased to be addressing this generation of students, and to be honouring all Canadians who have served to protect our country and take part in important international peacekeeping missions.

Midtown Planning Group Meeting

The Yonge-Eglinton area is considered a Centre within the Official Plan, and thus is designated for intensification of employment and residential uses. There is a great deal of development currently underway in, or being proposed for, the Centre and the construction of the light-rapid transit along Eglinton will likely increase development pressures.

Currently the Yonge-Eglinton area is divided between two planning departments, two Community Councils and three municipal ward boundaries (Wards 22, 16 and 25). The North York Community Council adjudicates planning applications for the north-west and north-east part of the Centre north of Roehampton, and the Toronto and East York Community Council adjudicates planning applications for the southern portion of the Centre. Although there are Urban Design Guidelines, an Area Study and work underway on a planning study related to the Eglinton Crosstown, a strategy is required to ensure this work is comprehensive and consistent across Community Council boundaries.

For decades, successive Councils and prominent residents have done important work toward the creation of a strong neighbourhood. I deeply appreciate the significant contributions you have made towards developing our community. This is why I am delighted to invite you to the first meeting of the Midtown Planning Group.

Please join myself, Councillors Stintz and Robinson, and City Planning staff at our first meeting on Monday, November 12th, 2012 at 10 am. Kindly let me know if you'll be able attend by calling my office at 416-392-7906 or by e-mailing [email protected]. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Ecumenical Food Drive

Churches in Rosedale, Moore Park and Leaside are again sponsoring a Christmas Drive (the 41st consecutive) to help local food banks and agencies that are in urgent need at this time of the year. Flyers will be delivered to households on Saturday, November 17 and pick-up of donations is Saturday, November 24.

There are two locations for this year's drive: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church (OLPH), one block west of Mount Pleasant Road on St. Clair Avenue East and Leaside Presbyterian Church on Eglinton Avenue, just east of Bayview Avenue. Times on both days are from 9:30 am until 12 pm.

Donations are sorted and packed at OLPH with same-day delivery to recipient food banks and agencies. Last year about 20,000 items were collected. Upwards of 300 volunteers are required and community hours are available for high school students and members of youth groups.

Two area Sobeys stores (Yonge/St. Clair and Wicksteed Avenue near Laird Drive) are again supporting the event by holding in-store drives throughout the Christmas season. They have specially prepared bags for purchase containing nutritious foodstuffs and these sources usually add another 10,000 to the overall total.

For ongoing council and community information, along with a calendar of events, please visit www.joshmatlow.ca.

Community Beltline Clean Up!

Dear residents,

If you're available, please join me and Friends of The Beltline tomorrow morning for our Third Beltline clean up and tree planting.

When: 9:45am-noon, Sunday, October 14th, 2012   Where: Meet at Robert Bateman Parkette (Chaplin Cres. between Russell Hill and Warren Road).  Come early and enjoy a hot drink compliments of Second Cup.

The City of Toronto will provide the tools, gloves and trees.

It should be a beautiful, autumn morning. I hope to see you tomorrow!

Update: The Toronto Sun covered the cleanup in their paper the next day. Click here to read the article and watch the video!

Celebrating Northern Secondary School's Clarke Pulford Field

Dear residents,

Hail dear Old Northern.

This Saturday, October 6th, at 11am, Northern Secondary School's newly improved Clarke Pulford Field will be officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony for the entire community. Named after a former Northern physical education teacher, the field has long been in need of revitalization. The playing surface was patchy, full of holes and was unusable at times.

This is the culmination of a long journey that took the dedication of many students, parents, alumni and local residents to see the project through to completion. While working as our area's School Trustee, I saw first-hand the passion and devotion that the Northern community had for this project. Through countless fundraising events including a "taste of the town" evening, raffles for Maple Leafs tickets and a 24 hour camp out on the field, the Northern Secondary School Foundation and our school community raised much of the needed funds.

As our new City Councillor, I was honoured to be able to complete this fundraising initiative through City Council last September where I worked with my colleagues to ensure that the remaining $630,000 needed for the field was approved by Council for the school and local community.

The new field consists of a 400-metre, four-lane running track and a full football and soccer field built to professional standards. The grass will be replaced by high-quality artificial turf while bike racks and fencing will also be installed. The playing area will be used by physical education classes, Northern's many successful athletic teams and will provide recreational opportunities for the wider community. Through hard work, a consensus was reached on a Community Use Agreement with the support of Shelley Laskin, our School Trustee, the Sherwood Park Residents' Association, Northern students, staff, parents and alumni. When not in use for school activities, the field will be available for neighbourhood residents to play soccer, frisbee, running and many other activities.

All of the hard work put in by dedicated volunteers has paid off with the creation of a field that will merit the excellence of Northern's athletes and will be accessible to local residents. Thank you to our entire school and residential community for your support – I hope you are able to join us on Saturday to celebrate this remarkable achievement!

I also wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving weekend.



City Council supports a Toronto Museum at Casa Loma

Dear residents,

I am very pleased to report to you that Toronto City Council took an important and critical step today toward establishing a Toronto City Museum at Casa Loma by supporting motions I put forward along with motions regarding its governance by Councillor Mihevc.  While moving on ways to better operate and preserve Casa Loma, a historic Toronto icon, Council endorsed our idea to ask for expressions of interest from Torontonians to create a space to share our city's history.

For over 40 years, successive Councils and prominent residents have debated various venues for a City Museum; unfortunately none of the sites have ultimately been deemed appropriate. Casa Loma presents an exciting opportunity to house Toronto's artifacts in a building that merits their importance.

I deeply appreciate the support and thoughtful suggestions I have received from many of you since our proposal was put forward a couple weeks ago. I would also like to thank former Mayor David Crombie and historian Mike Filey for their guidance. In fact, this has been a long-running passion of Mayor Crombie's who put forward a motion to establish a City Museum as a Councillor in 1970 and was instrumental in the creation of a digital site to exhibit our past through the Toronto Museum Project.

While today's approval at Council is an important first step, the hard work has just beginning. To join New York, Chicago, Montreal, Vancouver and most other major, global urban areas that have a city museum, we will need to capture Torontonians' imaginations and support.

It's now time that together we city-build, protect and celebrate our heritage and offer vision for Toronto. For our city's history and Casa Loma's future, let's create Toronto's first City Museum.



Councillor Josh Matlow's Community Update for August 28th, 2012

Dear Residents,

I hope this finds you well and that you're enjoying what's left of the summer.

We have a very busy September coming up and as always, it's a priority for me to keep you informed about, and engaged in, our community. Please see my update below.

Have a great Labour Day weekend.


Josh Matlow
Toronto City Councillor
Ward 22-St.Paul's

Let's create a great public space at Yonge and Eglinton's TTC bus barns

For far too long, the southwest corner of Yonge & Eglinton has been left by the TTC as a derelict eyesore. Since being elected as your City Councillor, I have been working hard with the TTC and City planning staff to beautify the site of the old bus barns.

While I recognize that it can't immediately be redeveloped because it will serve as a staging ground for the Eglinton Crosstown construction, its current state is simply unacceptable.

That's why I'm pleased that, with the support of TTC CEO Andy Byford, we are moving forward with an improvement plan for the perimeter of the site. The new public space will feature a seating area, greenery and informational panels on the new Eglinton line that will run underground through midtown.

The second phase of this plan concerns the future of the site- after the transit project is completed. I am advocating that Build Toronto (the City agency charged with future development on the bus barns site) begin the complicated planning process as soon as possible to ensure that the location can be transformed quickly after construction is finished. This process must be public, inclusive, and honour agreements made between the City and community.

Most importantly, I strongly feel that the City and the Province cannot continue to mandate increased density in the area without providing open, people-friendly public space. The need is even more apparent with the unfortunate loss of the square on the northwest corner in favour of an expanded mall.

That's why I'm calling for the inclusion of a permanent, significant, grand and beautifully-designed public space on this site. Great cities such as London, Paris and New York have great squares at major intersections and transportation hubs - let's start building the Toronto we all want to live, work and play in at Yonge & Eglinton.

It's time for Toronto to take a visionary approach to buiding design and public realm. As midtown grows, its infrastructure and public amenities must be able to provide for its residents.

Please see this article on my bus barns beautification efforts for more information.

Bayview Buckets

Please read the amazing and inspiring Ward 22 resident, Helen Godfrey's blog about our ward's new initiative to take care of trees on Bayview Avenue she has spearheaded. Thank you to Helen, LEAF, Bayview Avenue businesses and local residents for your amazing work!

Community Environment Day

On Thursday, September 6th from 4 pm to 8 pm I will be hosting my annual Community Environment Day. The location is the North Toronto Memorial Arena at 174 Orchard View Blvd. Please bring any unwanted art supplies, books, toys, and used sports equipment. Facilities will be available to dispose of computers and other hazardous household waste. You can also replace your damaged green bin.

Come visit Ward 22's Davisville Village Farmers Market!

Every Tuesday, between 3-7PM until October at June Rowlands (Davisville) Park at the corner of Davisville and Acadia (just west of Mount Pleasant), you'll find Ward 22's new and weekly town square. At the Davisville Village Farmers Market, you can find fresh produce, fish and meats, chocolate and so much more. Moreover, come meet your neighbours and enjoy a new sense of community in Ward 22! I hope to see you next Tuesday!

Beltline Trail Public Meeting

On Monday, September 10th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm the City of Toronto will be hosting a public meeting to discuss possible improvements to the Beltline Trail. The meeting will include a presentation from the project team about existing conditions of the Beltline Trail, followed by an interactive workshop session. City staff will be seeking ideas on a stewardship program for the trail, along with existing challenges and opportunities for improvements to the trail and the associated natural environment. As your local councillor, I want to hear what your priorities are to improve our remarkable midtown trail. The location is the Northern District Library at 40 Orchard View Blvd.

For more information, please visit www.toronto.ca/beltline.

Meeting to discuss the TDSB's proposed redevelopment plan for Davisville PS

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is in the process of considering redevelopment the Davisville Public School property. As your City Councillor, I have been closely following the TDSB's work towards a development proposal that would ultimately come to City Hall -as it will have an enormous impact on both our community and the stablity of our neighbourhoods.

I have been made aware that the TDSB is exploring proposals that could see several condominiums on the Davisville site, with one of the buildings at 20 storeys.

The Davisville PS is located in a Neighbourhood designated zone under Toronto's Official Plan. This designation allows for a maximum of 4 storeys. The south side of Davisville is located in an Apartment Neighbourhood, with an allowance for higher structures.

Having served our community as a two-term school trustee, I fully understand the financial pressures the TDSB is facing to provide excellent programming in quality facilities our children, parents and teachers deserve. I have been working with Trustee Laskin, TDSB and City Planners to find a solution. However, I have significant concerns with how the TDSB has gone about their process and want to ensure that parents and residents are fully informed about what the school board can, and cannot, do on the site.

On Wednesday, September 12th from 7 pm to 9 pm I will be hosting a public meeting regarding the proposed Davisville PS redevelopment. The meeting location is Christ Church Deer Park, Elliot Hall, at 1570 Yonge Street. Please join me and City Planning Staff to discuss this important issue further. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and voice your concerns. I look forward to seeing you.

Vision for the Village Town Hall Meeting for Forest Hill Residents

On Thursday, September 13th from 7 pm to 9 pm, I will be hosting a Forest Hill Town Hall meeting where you can discuss your priorities for your neighbourhood and city. The meeting location is the Grace Church on-the-Hill at 300 Lonsdale Road in the Parish Hall and Reception Room.

Ward 22 Toronto Community Housing Town Halls

During the months of September and October, I'm planning to meet with residents of every TCHC building in our community to actively listen to their needs and priorities. Please see the calndar at www.joshmatlow.ca for upcoming dates and locations.

For ongoing council and community information, along with a calendar of events, please visit www.joshmatlow.ca.

Councillor Josh Matlow's Community Update for August 16th, 2012

Dear Residents,

I hope this finds you very well. I've had a busy summer thus far working in our community and am preparing for an even busier September. Please read the summer update I've provided you below on a few recent initiatives. As always, let me and my staff know if we can ever be of service to you.

Best regards,

Josh Matlow
Toronto City Councillor
Ward 22-St.Paul's

Come visit Ward 22's Davisville Village Farmers Market!

Every Tuesday, between 3-7PM until October at June Rowlands (Davisville) Park at the corner of Davisville and Acadia (just west of Mount Pleasant), you'll find Ward 22's new and weekly town square. At the Davisville Village Farmers Market, you can find fresh produce, fish and meats, chocolate and so much more. Moreover, come meet your neighbours and enjoy a new sense of community in Ward 22! I hope to see you next Tuesday!

Volunteer with Bayview Buckets!

Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests (LEAF) is currently organizing a tree-watering program, Bayview Buckets, on the west side of Bayview Avenue. Bayview Buckets is looking for additional volunteers to go door-to-door tomorrow, Friday, August 17th, and Saturday, August 19th. Volunteers will be explaining the tree-watering program to local businesses.

If you would like to get involved or receive more information, please contact [email protected].

Establishing Appropriate Room Temperatures in Classrooms for Students

After passing a motion at Council last month to initiate a process to establish appropriate room temperatures in apartment units, I heard from parents that there were similar issues in classrooms.

During the warmer months many students find themselves overheating in poorly ventilated classrooms. I have written a letter to Dr. Chris Spence, Director of Education for the TDSB, and Bruce Rodrigues, Director of Education for the TCDSB, regarding this important issue.

Our children deserve a comfortable, healthy environment in which to learn. I look forward to our school boards taking appropriate action to support students and teachers.

Protecting Tenants

I have heard a number of disturbing stories from residents regarding substandard property maintenance at apartment buildings and concerns about the quality and upkeep of their units.

Complaints range from appearance issues such as peeling paint or construction materials left on the property to serious health and safety concerns including bed bugs, vermin and even units being left without water for extended periods of time.

I have engaged City of Toronto Licensing and Standards inspectors and written letters to the appropriate property managers. Tenants in our community pay very high rents; they at least deserve to live in a clean, well-maintained and healthy home.

Update: Condo Proposal for 1331 Yonge Street (CHUM site)

Last winter, the Deer Park and Summerhill communities were stunned to see a proposal for a 13 storey block tower on the top of the St. Clair hill at 1331 Yonge Street. Working with local residents' groups and City Planning staff we were able to reduce the height of the building to 11 storeys, and cut the number of units while achieving a design that fits better into the fabric and character of the neighbourhood.

Over one hundred residents attended a meeting I held a meeting on August 9th to review these changes with the community at Christ Church Deer Park on Yonge Street. The consensus from the attendees was that while the changes made by the applicant were a good first step, the building was still too high and there were a number of traffic concerns that needed to be addressed.

I will continue to work with local residents, city staff and the applicants to see if we can come to a resolution that addresses traffic concerns, ensures that the streetscape is improved with new trees, benches and other amenities while lowering the building further so that a new precedent is not set for this area.

Seniors Strategy Consultation Workbook

This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting your Seniors Strategy Consultation Workbook is fast approaching. The deadline date is September 30, 2012.

Your feedback will help to identify specific service priorities and innovative ideas to ensure Toronto's seniors have what they need at each stage of their lives.

To learn more about other activities and initiatives related to the development of the City of Toronto Seniors Strategy, please email [email protected] , visit http://www.toronto.ca/seniors/strategy.htm or call 416-392-9125.

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