Dear residents, I hope this finds you and your family healthy and well during these challenging times. My family and I wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving. This year, Melissa, Molly and I will be having dinner together while joining our extended family and friends by Facetime and phone. We'll be reaching out to people we care about who live alone. I'm convinced, based on public health experts' advice, that while we'd all prefer to gather with the people we love, the best way to show our love is to remain physically apart for the time being. I'm confident that if we continue to keep a physical distance of six feet, wash our hands, wear masks when necessary and be kind to each other, we'll be able to come back together around the table again when it's safe and responsible to do so. As always, I hope you find my update informative and helpful. Please feel very welcome to contact my office if you ever need our assistance. Stay healthy and well. Warm regards, Josh