Dear Residents,
I am pleased to inform you that with your support, my motion to move forward with a regional transit funding strategy for Toronto and the Greater Golden Horseshoe was (amazingly) approved yesterday by the Mayor's Executive Committee. I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to everyone of you who signed the petition, wrote emails, and made deputations including representatives from the Toronto Board of Trade, the Toronto Environmental Alliance and Paul Bedford, former City of Toronto Chief Planner.
If this motion passes Council next month, we will take a vital step towards finally creating a realistic funding strategy to improve and expand our transit system. The motion is expected to come before City Council next month where I am hopeful that it will be passed. To encourage Councillors to support this motion please send an email to [email protected].
Over the past few weeks, I've been delighted to attend sevral spring fairs at some of the amazing local schools we have in Ward 22, including Oriole Park Junior Public School, Cottingham Junior Public School, Maurice Cody Public School and Davisville Public School. I encourage all of you to attend Eglinton Junior Public School's Fun Fair this coming Saturday June 16 from 11am to 3pm. As well, I look forward to attending a number of graduation ceremonies at local schools over the next two weeks. Congratulations to all of this year's graduates. And to our parents, school administrations and staff- job well done!
Moreover, I hope to see many of you at the official opening of the new Dunfield/Soudan Parkette tomorrow night, Thursday June 14 at 5pm. Thank you to all of you who have suggested names for the park - I'll be announcing the winning suggestion soon.
And as always there are many interesting events going on in Ward 22, and important notices, that I am pleased to let you know about. Please click here or keep reading below for a more information about these events.
For updates and information on our community and city hall, please visit my website at
Josh Matlow
Toronto City Councillor
Ward 22-St.Paul's
Upcoming Events and Public Meetings
Holiday Shopping Consultation
Davisville Village Farmers' Market
Spring Newsletter
Calling all Ward 22 gardeners
Canada Day with our MP, Carolyn Bennett and a Garden Party at Spadina Museum
- Eglinton Way Sidewalk Sale
1. Holiday Shopping Consultation.
The City of Toronto is asking residents to provide the City with feedback on the current Holiday Shopping By-law by taking part in an online survey and public consultation sessions. The City's current holiday shopping regulations require some retail businesses to close on designated public holidays while other businesses are permitted to open.
The public can provide feedback through a public opinion telephone poll, online survey and public consultation meetings.
Holiday shopping public consultation sessions will take place around the city, including at the following locations which are closest to Ward 22:
• Monday, June 18 - 7 to 9 pm
North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge St., Council Chamber
• Monday, June 25 - 7 to 9 pm
Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St. W., Rotunda
Space is limited. Pre-registration is available by calling 416-392-8671 or emailing [email protected]
Residents and businesses can also provide their views via an online survey available at:
2. Davisville Village Farmers' Market a big success.
The first two weeks of the new Davisville Farmers' Market at June Rowlands Park (Mount Pleasant and Davisville), our Ward 22 community's first, have been a great success. We put a lot of work into this initiative and its a great pleasure to see so many local residents enjoying it. A big thank you to the Market organizers, and Davisville Village residents, Chris Trussell and Lesley Stoyan of Apple Tree. The market will be held every Tuesday from 3pm to 7pm until October 16, 2012.
3. Spring Newsletter arriving at your doors.
Please check your mailboxes for new edition of my newsletter. It contains updates on many important issues that I've been working on and resources for residents to access services provided by the City of Toronto. You can also download a PDF version of the newsletter on my website by clicking here.
4. Calling all Ward 22 gardeners.
There is a new interactive website that has been launched to help connect gardeners throughout the city by facilitating the sharing, trading, and selling of the extra garden items and services that they have available. Visit for more information.
As well, residents interested in community gardening might be interested in visiting City's website on community gardens or the website of the Toronto Community Garden Network.
5. Canada Day with our MP, Carolyn Bennett and a Garden Party at Spadina Museum. Sunday, July 1, Noon to 4pm, Spadina Museum, 285 Spadina Road.
Please join me at Dr. Carolyn Bennett's annual Canada Day picnic at Wells Hill Park (470 St. Clair Ave West 4-6PM!
Also- Celebrate Canada's Diamond Jubilee and party like it's 1927! Come in 1920s garb (check out the Spadina Museum facebook page for ideas), participate in our costume contest, purchase period appropriate refreshments, learn to Charleston, and enjoy the jazz music of Beverly Taft and the Swell Fellas Trio and Bob De Angelis Brass Quartet. Enjoy crafts, games and make strawberry ice cream. Solve a 1920s era mystery in our beautifully restored mansion. Admission is FREE thanks to the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage, Celebration Canada Grant.
6. Eglinton Way Sidewalk Sale. Saturday, June 23, 11am - 4pm
Starting at 11 am, come out and check out the festivities! The Eglinton Way Business Improvement Area (BIA) will have family-friendly activities for the kids, food samples from participating restaurants and our local merchants will be showcasing their best shopping deals! Visit for more information.