Manor Road Co-op Nursery School Fundraiser
Manor Road Co-op Nursery School is pleased to announce their first fundraiser of the 2015/2016 school year! Renowned children’s entertainer Kayla ( will be playing a show and the school’s community will be making a pancake breakfast.
They will also have a 50/50 Draw and a fun photographer in attendance, so feel free to have the little ones dress in costume!
Please join me for some of these fun activities supporting a great community service at 9:30am on Saturday, October 24.
TO BE RESCHEDULED: Glen Edyth Park Improvements Meeting
Please note that the public meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, October 21 in the Toronto Archives to discuss playground improvements at Glen Edyth Park (mentioned in my previous communiy update) will need to be post-poned at this time.
I'll be sure to share the new date for this community consultation with you, once confirmed, and hope to see you there!
Manor Road United Church Town Hall Meeting
At 6:30pm-8:30pm on Wednesday, October 28, Manor Road United Church wants to share would like to share their Church renovation plans, which require site specific amendments to City of Toronto By-laws, with you.
I am delighted to attend this meeting to provide an update on our new public park that we're going to establish on land formerly owned by the Church. I hope to see you there!
Halloween Haunted House at Deer Park Library
The Deer Park Library would like you to join them for a Halloween fright with a walk through their room of spooky things!
This all-ages children's event will take place on Saturday October 31 from 2pm-4pm at Deer Park library (40 St. Clair Ave East), Room 204.
For more information on all upcoming class and program offerings at Deer Park Library, please click here.
Ward 22's Pumpkin Parade!
Please join me, my family, Apple Tree Markets, friends and neighbors, for a community gathering at Glebe Manor Square East (between Harwood and Forman on Belsize Drive) 6:30-8:30pm on November 1st.
This is a fun community event where kids come in costumes, parents often bring drinks and everyone brings their pumpkins for an encore performance from Halloween the night before. I've arranged for your pumpkins to be picked up by the City if you'd like to leave yours at the park!
Annual Ecumenical Christmas Food Drive
Churches in Rosedale, Moore Park and Leaside are again sponsoring a Christmas Drive (the 44th consecutive) to assist local food banks and agencies that are in urgent need of help at this time of year.
Flyers are delivered to area households on Saturday, November 21 and donations are then picked up on the following Saturday, November 28. There are two locations. The first is Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church (OLPH) on St. Clair Avenue East, one block west of Mount Pleasant Road. The other is St. Cuthbert’s Church on Bayview Avenue, south of Millwood Road near Humphreys Funeral Home - please note that this is a changed location from Leaside Presbyterian because of the LRT construction on Eglinton Avenue.
Times on both days are from 9:30am until around 1pm. Donations are sorted and packed at OLPH with same-day delivery to recipient food banks and agencies. Last year, around 15,000 items were collected and we hope to do even better this year as, unfortunately, the demand is still great. Upwards of 300 volunteers are required and community hours are available for high school students who require them for graduation or other reasons.
Also, two area Sobeys stores (St. Clair Avenue just east of Yonge Street and Wicksteed Avenue near Laird Drive) are again supporting this effort by holding in-store drives throughout the Christmas season. These sources typically add another 10/15,000 to the overall total
It is a fun event for both families and young persons and supports a worthwhile cause to benefit the less fortunate members of our community.
If further information is required, please contact the Campaign Chair, Brian Kearney, at 416-972-0585 or by e-mail at [email protected].
SAVE THE DATE: Age-Friendly Town Hall
During my first year as our city councillor, I initiated the City of Toronto’s Seniors’ Strategy: a proactive, holistic and inclusive initiative that seeks to create a truly accessible, respectful and age-friendly Toronto.
Now, I'm delighted to host an upcoming Age Friendly Town Hall along with the Toronto Council on Aging (TCA) to develop this important initiative further.
This town hall meeting will be a rallying point for seniors and issues of aging in Midtown Toronto, an information sharing event and a point of departure for TCA to talk about the Age Friendly Project and get community champions and volunteers on board to help with this important initiative.
I plan to hold this event at 7pm on Tuesday, November 24 in the Multipurpose Room at North Toronto Memorial Community Centre (200 Eglinton Avenue West).
I hope to see you there!
SAVE THE DATE: Councillor Matlow's Free Toronto from the OMB Town Hall
The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) is a quasi-judicial, un-elected and un-accountable provincial body that has the final say on all planning decisions in the province of Ontario. The tribunal's powers to overrule decisions made by our elected municipal representatives are anti-democratic and often lead to planning decisions that support the interests of the development industry over those of our communities and our city's official plan.
As you are aware, our midtown neighbourhoods are facing an unprecedented number of development applications. While our community understands that a reasonable amount of intensification is appropriate, developers are proposing new condominiums that are too high and dense for the neighbourhood and, in many cases, appealing to the OMB at the first opportunity. The provincial government is mandating higher densities in areas such as Yonge & Eglinton but they are not taking into consideration the added stress on fully-enrolled schools, narrow streets and sidewalks and an already over-crowded subway system.
Please save the date – Tuesday, January 26 at 7pm - for a town hall meeting I plan to host, to further discuss, and take action, this important issue facing our community and city. I will share more details with you as soon as they become available.
In the meantime, you can learn more about my efforts to free Toronto from the OMB, and how you can help, here.
For ongoing council and community news, my contact information, along with a calendar of events, please visit Click here to read my previous city hall and community updates.