
City Hall and Community Update for April 6, 2018

Fighting Back Against Overdevelopment and Advocating For Social Services and Infrastructure- Have Your Say On the Times Group Proposal for 1951 Yonge Street

Last year, an application was submitted for two towers (34 and 25 storeys) at the northeast corner of Yonge and Davisville. In their report, City Planning Staff agree with me and the local community that the proposal from the Times Group is completely inappropriate, as it's a significant overdevelopment of the site. As it is currently proposed, the two towers would have unacceptable shadow impacts on the Davisville school field. Of further concern, is the potential traffic impacts to the local community, especially the area surrounding the school. I will fight the most recent proposal to add more traffic onto Millwood.

I am pleased to report that I was successful in moving significant motions to support our community against this development at this week's Toronto & East York Community Council meeting. In addition to ensuring that City Legal and Planning Staff will fight for us at the Ontario Municipal Board, I was able to have additional amendments added that, for the first time, requested that even if a development is approved, that the OMB order construction be halted until the necessary infrastructure and social services are provided:

  • City Council direct the City Solicitor to request the Ontario Municipal Board to withhold the issuance of any order(s) on the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment appeal for the subject lands pending confirmation of:
    - necessary transportation infrastructure from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Transportation Services; and
    - public school capacity from the Director of Education, TDSB
  • City Council direct the City Solicitor to request the Ontario Municipal Board to withhold the issuance of any Order(s) on the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment appeal for the subject lands pending confirmation of water, sanitary and storm water capacity from the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, and pending receipt of a satisfactory Functional Servicing Report;

These motions were possible, and supported at Community Council, because of the extensive research that has been conducted as part of the Midtown in Focus initiative that has clearly demonstrated what we in Midtown already know: infrastructure and social services have not kept pace with the rapid rate of growth in our community.

The importance of these motions was recognized by the Toronto Star, which published two articles on successive days about this issue. Please see this article on the water capacity motion and this article regarding schools and transportation.

Please Save the Date on Monday, April 23rd at 6:30-8:30PM for a community meeting to discuss how we're fighting this proposal and demanding significant improvements. I'll send an update on the location when it is confirmed.

Toronto Needs a Long-Term Financial Strategy

It is standard practice for full City Council to have an opportunity to debate matters of strategic policy concerning the entire city at various stages in the process. That's why I was very surprised that only the Executive Committee was provided an opportunity to debate, and provide input on, Toronto's Long-Term Financial Strategy. The Mayor's excuse was that it was not a fully developed plan. But it is precisely at this point where full Council should weigh-in and provide direction to staff going forward that is supported by elected officials before investing further time and money.

This seemed unusual, so I looked back through some past Executive Agendas for similar matters of city-wide interest. A cursory look found several equivalent update reports that have indeed come to full Council, including Ex 29.1 - Smart Track Project Update and Next Steps and EX 29.2 - Rail Deck Park - Results of Feasibility Analysis and Next Steps for Implementation. Both items were interim reports seeking Council direction to follow a particular strategic path. Both items were considered by full Council after being presented to Executive Committee. These are just two examples of many.

As your representative at City Hall, I have a duty to represent you on issues that affect the future of our city. In this instance, my opportunity to carry out that duty was denied. If provided that opportunity, I would have stated, on your behalf, that we cannot continue to keep kicking the can down the road in regards to major decisions affecting Toronto's fiscal sustainability. As Staff clearly stated in the report, Toronto will face a $1.42B operating gap in 5 years if we continue on our current course.

We find ourselves in this position because we are making decisions that no other major world city is making. Under this Mayor, Toronto is spending over a $1 billion dollars to rebuild an elevated expressway, and well over $3 billion one subway stop. Further, the Mayor has made these decisions while actively working to not have evidence-based analysis conducted to inform those decisions.

In his report, the City Manager agreed with my previous motions to have Council conduct value for money audits and rank capital projects based on recognized urban planning principles.

We cannot wait any longer to put our city on a solid fiscal path. If the Mayor won't provide that leadership, Council should have had the opportunity to do it for him.

For more information on this issue, please see the second half of this article.

REimagine Yonge

Yonge Street between Sheppard and the Finch St corridor is at the end of its lifecycle - the roadway was last reconstructed in 1975. Last week, Council debated what this section of Yonge will look like for generations to come. Yonge Street is the central transportation corridor and pedestrian promenade within North York Centre, one of four centres that have an important role in achieving the provincial growth objectives of the Official Plan where jobs, housing, and services will be concentrated. While the North York Centre is transforming into a transit-oriented and dynamic mixed-use area, the implementation of the street vision has not been fully achieved or kept pace with this evolution. Inconsistent urban design features, including sidewalks, crossings, and medians, and the lack of dedicated cycling facilities reduce the appeal of the street and present safety risks.
Staff recommended a number of opportunities that would both improve the streetscape and align the plans with Vision Zero road safety policies, including:
  • improving streetscape by including street trees, lighting, paving, and street furniture
  • expanding sidewalks and boulevard widths
  • integrating adjacent parks and public open spaces
  • enhancing the landscaped median
  • improving safety for all users
  • including cycling facilities on Yonge Street
  • improving pedestrian crossing facilities
  • re-configuring right-of-way and traffic lanes

Despite Staff recommendations and overwhelming support from urban experts and city leaders including former Mayor David Crombie and renowned urban planner Ken Greenberg, Mayor Tory supported a more costly option to put bike lanes on neighbouring Beecroft and keep Yonge as a 6-lane thoroughfare.

Thankfully, the vote on this item was deferred until the next term of Council where I hope a more thoughtful approach will be taken.

For more information, please see this Toronto Star article.

To see my speech supporting REImagine Yonge and Vision Zero Road Safety- please start at 1:06.

We Need Relief (Subway Line) Now!

As any resident who rides the subway knows, the Yonge Line is already at capacity. During rush hour at stations like Eglinton, it is common to wait for two or three trains before boarding and once on, you’re crammed in like a sardine.

The overcrowding is most critical at Bloor-Yonge station, which is already nearing capacity, with another 45% increase in users expected over the next twenty years. Even with signal improvements and the new, larger trains, we can’t keep ahead of this growth without expansion elsewhere to alleviate the pressure. That's why the Relief Line was named as Toronto's top transit expansion priority by former Metrolinx CEO Bruce McCuaig, TTC CEO Andy Byford,  Toronto's Chief Planner Jennifer Keesmaat and City Manager Joe Pennachetti .

City Council has unfortunately featured transit debates long on rhetoric and short on facts. The Relief Subway Line would provide an alternative to our existing subway system that’s already overcrowded during rush hours, curb gridlock on our city’s streets and increase access to jobs and attractions. It is the evidence-based subway expansion project that would be an integral part of a comprehensive network approach that would most improve Toronto’s economy and residents’ quality of life.

For more information and how to take action, please visit this webpage.

Standing up for Tenants

Rental Market Reality

As many of you know, there is a rental housing crisis in Toronto. Vacancy rates have been hovering around 1% in the past year and very few of the limited apartments available are affordable. That’s why I asked City Planning Staff to bring a report on current rental housing market conditions in Toronto. Planning Staff presented Council with a snapshot of the current housing situation that was even worse than most people feared. In fact, as the chart below demonstrates, purpose-built apartment rents increased the most in 15 years and vacancy rates reached the lowest in 16 years.

Transparency called on for Above the Guideline Increases

As many of you know, I have been requesting that the Ontario government eliminate or drastically reform Above the Guideline rent Increases (AGI). While the province's The Rental Fairness Act, 2017, improved tenant protections under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) by eliminating the post-1991 exemption and expanding rent control to all private units, the legislation only removed extraordinary increases in utilities from costs that qualify for above the guideline rent increases.

The RTA still allows private market landlords to apply for a rent increase above the guideline (AGI) if:

  • The landlord did extraordinary or significant renovations, repairs, replacements or new additions to the buildings or to individual units; and
  • The landlord's costs for security services increased, or the landlord began providing security services for the first time

These items should be the basic cost of a landlord's business and should already be covered in the substantial rent tenants pay. To make matters worse, AGI applications made at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) have very limited publicly available data, hindering the City's ability to analyze the impact of AGIs on tenants. A clearer understanding of the scale and scope of AGIs in Toronto would allow the City to better develop programs and policies to meet the needs of residents. That's why I'm pleased to report that my colleagues unanimously passed my motionrequesting the province to publicly release AGI data.

It's Official – Names Approved for Our New Community Parks!

I'm excited to announce that City Council supported our community recommendation to support the naming of our two new parks that are ready to enjoy this spring! Our new park at the former Glebe Manor Bowling club site will be named “Manor Community Green”, and our new park at Manor and Forman will be called “Cudmore Creek Park & Mona Piper Playground”. You can read more about the outcome of the survey and community parks naming process here

Please stay tuned for my "Save the Date" announcement for upcoming park opening celebrations and festivities!

Congratulations Toronto for Being Age-Friendly!

As Toronto's Seniors Advocate, I am delighted to inform you that at the inaugural Age-Friendly Community (AFC) Symposium on March 26th, 2018, the City of Toronto was selected to receive the 2018 Ontario Age-Friendly Community Recognition Award. This Award has been established to celebrate the work of Ontario communities that are striving to become age-friendly and to showcase promising practices across the province. I welcome you to come and check-out the award at City Hall!

SAVE THE DATE: Councillor Josh Matlow's Community Environment Day

On Thursday, May 31st from 4:00-8:00pm, I will be hosting my annual Community Environment Day. The event will take place in the parking lot of North Toronto Memorial Arena (174 Orchard View Blvd). Please drop off any unwanted art supplies, books, toys, and used sports equipment. Facilities will be available to dispose of computers and other hazardous household waste, or even replace your damaged green bin.

Manor Road Co-Op Nursery Turns 80

Manor Road Co-op Nursery School is celebrating its 80th anniversary! Past, present and future families of the school are invited to attend this event. There will be a bouncy castle, crafts, refreshments, tours and a silent auction. Please drop-in between 3:00 and 6:00pm on Saturday April 28th. 111 Manor Rd E (inside the Church of the Transfiguration). For further details please click here. Hope to see you there!

Forest Hill Art Club: 2018 Art Show & Sale

The Forest Hill Art Club (FHAC) invites you to attend their annual art show and sale of member's work from April 27th- 29th at 666 Eglinton Avenue West. The FHAC is closing in on seventy years of providing a space to artists, both amateur and professional who work in a variety of media. For more details, I welcome you to check-out the following webpage.

Bayview Leaside BIA: Public Consultation Meeting & Earth Day Community Clean-up

I welcome you to join the Bayview Leaside BIA team on Tuesday April, 10th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at The Smokin' Cigar (1540 Bayview Avenue), for a public consultation meeting on the Bayview and Millwood Parkette. View the plan, ask questions about the proposed changes and meet our Bayview Leaside BIA team!

Remember to mark your calendars on Saturday April 21st from 9:00am to 12:00pm to attend the Bayview Leaside BIA's Earth Day community clean-up. Rain or shine, I hope to see you at the corner of Bayview and Millwood ready to sweep our streets! Don't forget to bring your own broom! More information on this event can be found here.

Community Clean-Up Days

Spring has finally arrived (at least on the calendar) and it's time to give Toronto a good spring cleaning together! April 20, 21 and 22 are this year's Community Clean-Up Days for schools, businesses, and neighbourhood organizations. You're invited to visit Live Green Toronto to register your local clean-up or to join an existing clean-up.

Please call my office at 416-392-7906 or email me at [email protected] and I can provide you with free bags for trash and recyclables. I would also be delighted to join you and help clean-up your corner of the community- just let me know the time and location! And of course, please feel welcome to contact me if you need any assistance with organizing your own clean-up event.

SAVE THE DATE: Toronto Council on Aging's Town Hall Meeting

The Toronto Council on Aging and I invite you to attend our town hall meeting taking place on Wednesday May 9th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church (1985 Yonge Street) to celebrate the age-friendly approaches our local businesses are incorporating in their storefronts. Stay tuned for more details to come!

Have your Say: Consultation on the Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB)

TLAB is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal that was created last year to replace the Ontario Municipal Board's (OMB) jurisdiction over the adjudication of typically smaller scale land-use planning disputes that are heard through the Committee of Adjustment. The City is seeking your feedback on this newly formed local appeals body by either providing written submissions or attending a public consultation meeting.

The  meeting will take place between 2pm-5pm on Wednesday, April 18th at the Scarborough Civic Centre (150 Borough Drive) in the Council Chambers. Alternately, written submission can be sent via email, fax or by mail. Written submissions without an accompanying oral presentation will receive the same serious consideration as those accompanied by an oral presentation. To make an oral and written submission, a registration form and written submission can be sent by email, fax or by mail to:

Email: [email protected]
Fax: 416-696-4307
Mail: Toronto Local Appeal Body
40 Orchard View Boulevard, Suite 211
Toronto Ontario M4B 1R9

All submissions must be received by the Toronto Local Appeal Body no later than Friday, April 6, 2018. For more information on TLAB and its processes, you can access the public guide here.

Yorkminster Park Meals on Wheels

Yorkminster Park Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit charity that has served the North Toronto Community for 51 years. Located in the Yonge and St. Clair community at Yorkminster Baptist Church, this volunteer-run charity delivers hot and frozen meals to seniors or adults who are chronically ill, have a disability, convalescing from surgery or illness, or undergoing medical treatment. If you or someone you know would benefit from receiving Meals on Wheels, please call their office at 416-482-0549.

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: 265 Balliol Avenue Public Meeting

A rezoning application has been submitted to City Planning to construct a 29-Storey residential tower containing 264 purpose-built rental units. This is an infill application on a site with an existing 26-storey residential building. You can view a copy of the preliminary report here

Please join me at 6:30pm on Tuesday, April 10 at Greenwood College  (443 Mount Pleasant Road), for a meeting to discuss the proposed development. City Planning staff will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: New Public Space for Cottingham Square

A community meeting will be held about improving the closed-off road allowance between Gange Avenue and Cottingham Street (on the south side of Cottingham Park).

This space will continue to be closed, to prevent traffic from going through the neighbourhood, but we do have an opportunity to make significant improvements to its aesthetics and purpose. I want to ensure that your feedback and ideas are heard before any plans move forward.

Please join me and Cottingham Square Community Association in a conversation with your neighbours at 7pm on Wednesday, April 11th at Trust Daycare (29 Birch Avenue). Representatives from the City’s Public Realm department will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.

City of Toronto Fair Pass Discount Program

Effective April 4th, the City of Toronto is offering the Fair Pass Discount Program to residents receiving Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW) assistance who are not in receipt of any transportation supports equal to or greater than $100.

The Fair Pass Discount Program is only available on a PRESTO card (clients must meet eligibility requirements). Cardholders must load money or an adult TTC Monthly Pass on their card to take advantage of the Fair Pass Discount Program. For more information about the Fair Pass Discount Program please click here.

Public Consultation on the Noise Mitigation Initiatives Engagement Plan

Toronto Pearson is fast becoming one of the world’s leading airports. As we meet the demand for air travel, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) and NAV CANADA  have been studying Six Ideas that are aimed at reducing noise impacts for residents around the Greater Toronto Area. The technical analysis of the Six Ideas is now complete, and the GTAA and NAV CANADA will be meeting with the community to present recommendations. Public consultations will run from March 3rd to April 20th with 15 sessions being held in communities surrounding the airport. The locations and dates for the community consultations can be found on the Toronto Pearson website.

Toronto's 4th Street Needs Assessment Seeks Volunteers

For the fourth time, hundreds of volunteers, members of community agencies and City staff will take to the streets and shelters to ask people experiencing homelessness about the services they need to get and keep permanent housing. Survey responses help the City shape improvements in current programs and plan for future service delivery. Residents whom are interested in volunteering during the evening of Thursday April 26th are welcome to visit the following webpage to learn more.

Residents Invited to Provide Input on City's Poverty Reduction Strategy

Toronto is a vibrant, prosperous city. It is also a city of growing disparity and inequity ­trends that will challenge its long-term success. That's why in October 2015, City Council unanimously adopted a 20-year plan that includes 17 recommendations focused at improving access to residents who face barriers related to affordable housing, social services, transit, food and quality jobs. The strategy and recommendations can be accessed here.

In the lead up to the strategy's three year launch, the City will be hosting a series of panel discussions to generate public input on the next phase of the City's poverty reduction strategy for the 2018 to 2022 term of City Council.  The #TacklePovertyTO panels will convene on five Monday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. at Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St. W., starting March 12 and concluding April 23. The remaining panel discussions are as follows:

- April 16, City Hall rotunda – Transportation Equity: What are the next steps to achieve active and public transportation equity?
- April 23, City Hall rotunda: Housing Stability – What strategic actions can the City take to address the housing crisis?

You can also provide your input directly to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Office by emailing
[email protected]

Hi-RIS Financing Program

Do you own an apartment building with three or more storeys in Toronto? Are you planning to increase energy efficiency, lower utility costs, and enhance tenant comfort?  If so, the City of Toronto’s Hi-RIS program is for you.

Funding is available for a range of improvements including:
- upgrades and replacement of mechanical systems
- lighting and water conservation retrofits
- building envelopment improvements and;
- renewable energy technology

Building owners can access low-cost, fixed rate financing with terms of up to 20 years. This funding is offered for a limited time so inquire soon!

Contact [email protected] or 416-392-9688 for more information.

17th Annual Community Stewardship Program

The Community Stewardship Program gives residents the opportunity to learn about Toronto's ravines and how they're managed with hands-on activities to keep these places healthy. Volunteers, led by experienced City staff, meet weekly from May – September to plant native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers, remove invasive species (a leading cause of biodiversity loss), maintain sustainable trails, and monitor site conditions through citizen science. I welcome volunteers to attend the volunteer orientation on Wednesday April 25th, from 7:00pm-8:30pm at the City of Toronto Archives. Email [email protected] to RSVP and to learn more!

Let LEAF Help You Create The Backyard You've Always Dreamed About

With support from the City of Toronto and Toronto Hydro, LEAF offers subsidized planting programs that help residents plant native trees and shrubs in their yards - all at a reasonable price!

LEAF will help you:
  • Assess the conditions in your yard
  • Understand what will grow best
  • Select trees, shrubs, and garden kits that you will love
  • Ensure everything gets planted properly
  • Do it all at a reasonable price
For more information and volunteer opportunities, I welcome you to visit this webpage.

City Hall and Community Update for January 12, 2018

Providing Shelter for our Most Vulnerable Residents

Over the holidays, and into last weekend, we experienced a record-breaking cold snap. The City's Medical Officer of Health declared Extreme Cold Weather Alerts as overnight temperatures went below -20 several times.

While the weather during this recent period was especially severe, it should not have been a surprise that it was cold in Toronto during winter. That's why it was particularly disheartening that our City was not prepared to provide shelter for our most vulnerable residents when they needed it most.

This completely unacceptable situation was entirely preventable. My colleague Kristyn Wong-Tam moved a motion at Council in early December to request that the federal government open the downtown Armouries to provide emergency shelter space following the advice of front line workers, advocates, and healthcare professionals. Unfortunately, the Mayor and a majority of Council voting against even making this request.

There are certainly issues with temporarily converting the Armouries into shelters by the location in Moss Park is vital for those that cannot find space in the surrounding shelters. The alternative site at the Better Living Centre in the CNE grounds isn't within a reasonable proximity to many of those people we are trying to help.

I commend the federal government for acting swiftly after the Mayor finally made the request. Local MP Adam Vaughan and the Minister of Defence helped ensure that the spaces were ready at no cost to the City.

While emergency shelters, such as the armouries, provide a potentially life-saving service during a time of need, we need to address the underlying issues that have led to this marked increase in the homeless population. All three levels of government must work together on measures to create more affordable housing and provide adequate addiction and mental health services.

For more information, please visit this article.

Public Meeting for Revised 18 Brownlow Development Application

City Planning will be hosting a public consultation meeting on the revised application for 18 Brownlow.

The original development application submitted in November 2015 proposed two residential towers of 25 and 20 storeys linked by a 4-storey base building. A community consultation meeting for the proposal was held in May 2016. In June 2016 the applicant appealed the application to the Ontario Municipal Board.

Revised Proposal

The proposal has been revised to remove the property at 18 Brownlow Avenue from the application and reduce the number of residential towers from two to one. The revised proposal is for one 24-storey residential tower including a 3-storey base building at 174-188 Soudan Avenue and 71 and 73 Redpath Avenue. It would contain 175 dwelling units and 137 parking spaces.

I have been working with the South Eglinton Residents' and Ratepayers Association (SERRA) to oppose this inappropriate development since it was first submitted. While we are pleased one of the towers has been removed, the remaining tower is still far too tall. The existing Secondary Plan for the Yonge-Eglinton Area states that heights and densities should descend as a site becomes further away from the main intersection. This proposal is higher than many of its neighbours closer to Yonge and Eglinton.

If you cannot attend the meeting you can speak to the planner, Alex Teixeira, at (416) 392-0459 or email at: [email protected].

Details for the Community Meeting are as follows:

Date: January 17, 2018
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Place: Best Western Roehampton Hotel – 808 Mount Pleasant Road

Town Hall Meeting to Save the Regent Theatre!

Since the 1920s, the Regent Theatre (once known as the Belsize and then the Crest) has been an iconic theatre on Mount Pleasant Road in the heart of Toronto. This historic landmark has now been put up for sale by the owners.

I'm inviting members of our community, arts and culture industry leaders, city staff, the property owners and all creative thinkers to come together for a conversation on how best to preserve the Regent's built form and purpose. It will be held on Monday, January 24th, 7pm at  Greenwood College in Room 174 (443 Mount Pleasant Road). Please help spread the word by the sharing the flyer, and we hope to see you there!

Councillor Josh Matlow's 2017 City of Toronto Budget Town Hall Meeting

It's very important to me that I accurately reflect our community's priorities, and represent you, when I vote on our behalf on the City of Toronto's budget. On Monday, January 29th at 7pm, I'll host my 2018 Budget Town Hall for Ward 22 residents. The meeting will take place in Room 174 at Greenwood College (443 Mount Pleasant Road).

The City of Toronto's budget will affect virtually every City service and encourage your feedback. I hope you will be able to attend.

If you would like more information on the proposed 2018 City of Toronto Budget in advance of my Town Hall meeting, please click here and here.

Save The Date: Community Skating Party with Josh Matlow, Rob Oliphant & Carolyn Bennett!

I'm excited to once again be co-hosting a community skating party with our local MPs, Rob Oliphant and Carolyn Bennett at Hodgson Ice Rink (East of Mt. Pleasant, entrance off Millwood/Harwood, behind Hodgson PS).

Please join us from 2pm to 4pm on Sunday February 4th for a fun, family-friendly, afternoon with coffee and hot chocolate. More details to come.

I hope to see you and your family there!

Have your Say in the Naming of our Two New Community Parks on Manor Road!

As many of you are aware, we've worked together as a community to create two new city parks that will be complete and ready to enjoy just in time for spring! There is now an exciting opportunity to be a part of the naming process, and your input is deeply important.

160 Manor Road East

The former Glebe Manor Lawn Bowling site has been transformed into a light recreational park that is complete with a bocce court, gaming tables, accessible pathway and a tranquil green space. I was delighted to hear from a few local residents over the holidays that there have already been some bocce games enjoyed, despite the chilly weather!

250 Manor Road East

We worked successfully with Manor Road United Church to secure the Eastern portion of the property as a city park and playground. As soon as the ground thaws in the spring, the last bit of construction will proceed. But first, both the park and playground will need to be named.

The community has already contributed a lot of great feedback on these potential new park names, and they are reflected in a short survey that City Parks Staff have prepared. The survey (click here) will be open for responses until Friday, January 26th.

Have Your Say on the Development Charges Review – Public Consultation Meetings

The City is currently conducting a review of the development charges bylaw and is looking for feedback from the public on the proposed rates and polices.

Development charges are fees collected from developers at the time a building permit is issued. The fees help to pay for the cost of infrastructure required to provide municipal services to new development, such as roads, transit, water and sewer infrastructure, community centres, fire and police facilities. You can read more about development charges here.

There are two public consultation meetings being held by the City:

North York Civic Centre, Committee Room 3
5100 Yonge St.
Monday, January 15, 6-8 p.m.

Toronto City Hall, Committee Room 4
100 Queen St. W.
Wednesday, January 17, 6-8 p.m.

Be prepared! Protect your pipes from freezing

With the busy holiday season approaching, don't forget to take the steps necessary to protect your pipes from freezing. If you are leaving for an extended period of time, turn off the water at the main service valve in the basement and open the taps to drain the water from your plumbing lines. Homeowners should also open kitchen, bathroom and laundry cabinet doors to allow warm air to circulate around the plumbing. Get more frozen pipe prevention tips.

St. Cuthbert's Community Potluck Dinner

Join me and my friends at St. Cuthbert's Church on Saturday, January 20th at 6:00pm for a potluck dinner. Feel welcome to bring your family, friends and food to share. For more event details, please review this flyer.

Smashing Barriers: Redefining What It Is To Be Blind

On January Tuesday 16th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, CNIB Ontario will be hosting an event as part of the Toronto Design Offsite Festival (TDOF). This community event will be encouraging all residents in the Yonge and St. Clair area (and across the City) to come and experience sight loss simulation and virtual reality as it relates to people with sight loss, as well as other interactive activities. For more event details, I welcome you to visit the following Facebook page and view the event listing on TDOF's website.

Smart City Challenge: How would you improve Toronto through data and technology?

The City is competing for $50 million in the Federal Smart Cities Challenge and we need your help to come up with an ambitious and unique idea.Using data and technology, smart cities have the potential to improve all aspects of livability and opportunity in a city– from transportation, the environment, economy, communities, engagement and social services. We want to know your ideas for how data and technology can make a meaningful impact to life in Toronto.

Think big! Please share your ideas by February 2, 2018 by completing an online survey or through a hardcopy form at a local Toronto Public Library branch.

For more information including how you can share your idea and get involved, visit the Smart Cities Challenge page.

2018 Community Projects and Events Grants

The City of Toronto is excited to announce the launch of the 2018 Community Projects and Events funding stream. Through this fund, the City of Toronto provides two streams of one-time funding that support community groups and organizations to build vibrant, equitable, inclusive and safe communities. The deadline for submitting an online Letter of Intent is Friday, February 2nd at 11:59pm. If you are interested in taking advantage of this amazing opportunity, please visit the City's website to review their grant guidelines and application questions.

Fire Prevention Inspection Results

Toronto Fire Services recently announced that the fire inspections conducted as of January 1, 2017 in highrise buildings across Toronto are now available online. The list includes properties where violations of the Ontario Fire Code have been found and addressed, as well as properties that had no observable violations. I want to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Toronto Fire Services for always keeping Torontonians' safety in mind!

Liz McFarland: Farewell and Congratulations!

For the past four years, Liz McFarland has served our community in her role as my Constituency Assistant. Liz has worked tirelessly, and with great skill and dedication, for the residents of Ward 22 (she's also a local resident herself). While I'm happy to announce that Liz has started in her new role at Heritage Preservation Services in the City of Toronto's Planning Department, I'm also sad to see her go. She has become a true friend to me, her colleagues in my office and to so many people who she has helped. On behalf of our community, I wish Liz happiness and great success on the important work that she will be doing to preserve our city's architectural and cultural heritage. Knowing Liz, she will still be reviewing this for any factual errors and grammar mistakes. Knowing Liz, she will still be proofreading this for any grammar mistakes I've made :)

City Hall and Community Update for December 13, 2017

Our Fight to Abolish the Ontario Municipal Board- Province Passes Legislation to Eliminate OMB

After years of advocating alongside my colleague, Kristyn-Wong Tam and local residents' associations, the Ontario legislature voted to move forward with major changes to the planning appeals system in Toronto yesterday. Bill 139, the Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 will replace the OMB with the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. While I have serious concerns that the permissive transition regulations are leading to a rush of planning applications being appealed prior to the new Tribunal being in place, the new rules will significantly level the playing field between communities and developers.

From the provincial Bill 139 backgrounder, here are some of the significant reforms coming to the planning process under the new Local Planning Appeal Tribunal:

  • "de novo" (entirely new) hearings for the majority of land use planning appeals will be eliminated. Instead, the tribunal will function more like a true appeal body for major land use planning decisions.
  • Under the new standard of review for land use planning appeals involving matters like official plans and zoning bylaws, the tribunal will only be able to overturn a matter if the tribunal determines that the municipal decision is inconsistent with, or does not conform to provincial policies and municipal plans.
  • Establishing clear timelines for the hearing process to help ensure timely decisions
  • Eliminating lengthy and often confrontational examinations and cross-examinations of witnesses by parties and their lawyers at the oral hearings of major land use planning appeals
  • The act will establish the free Local Planning Appeal Support Centre, a new provincial agency, offering guidance on the Tribunal process and general planning matters as well as providing planning and/or legal representation in some cases.
  • Provincial approvals of official plans and official plan updates, including approvals of conformity exercises to provincial plans will be shielded from appeal
  • Secondary Plans (such as Midtown in Focus in the Yonge-Eglinton area) will be shielded from amendment applications for 2 years after approval

For more information please see this provincial news release and the final version of Bill 139. I will continue to update you as new information about these reforms are made available.

Council Votes against Value-for-Money Audit (the most basic and relevant facts) on Scarborough Transit

It is unfortunate that, yet again, the Mayor and Council decided to not ask for relevant and important information, regarding the future of our rapid transit system and the expenditure of billions of tax dollars, by voting against my motion to finally see a Value-for-Money comparison of the 1-stop subway extension with a 7-stop LRT in the McCowan corridor.

I will continue to advocate for honest and evidence-based transit that will serve more people, with more stations, and with every available dollar used thoughtfully. For more information on this issue, please listen to this Metro Morning interview, and read this editorial, column, and article.

Midtown in Focus: Draft Review of Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan Approved at Council

In 2015, I helped initiate the Midtown in Focus review of growth, built form, social services and infrastructure issues in the Yonge-Eglinton area. I believe this work should've been done two decades ago, before the condo boom. After two years of intensive study by our dedicated City Planning Staff, we now will have an up-to-date policy that will guide growth in the area and, in combination with necessary improvements identified through the review, support the vitality and quality of life in Midtown Toronto.

The report, approved by Council last week, tells the rest of Toronto what we as Midtown residents already know: social services and hard infrastructure have not kept pace with the rapid growth in our community. This has to change.

I successfully moved a motion with Councillor Robinson requesting City Planning to further support local residents by reporting on potential measures to help ensure that social services and physical infrastructure can accommodate existing and projected growth in the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan area. 

I look forward to seeing you in the New Year as Planning Staff consult further on their Review.

For more information, please see this report.

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: 2161 Yonge Street Development Meeting

This development application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law to permit a mixed use building that is 36 storeys in height including a 6-storey base building inclusive of office and retail. The proposed residential tower would contain 288 new condominium units and the 155 parking spaces will be provided below-grade.

This public meeting will take place at 7pm tonight (December 13th) at Glebe Road United Church, 20 Glebe Road East

To speak to the planner directly, please contact Alex Teixeira at [email protected] or 416-392-0459 . Also, you may mail your comments to the planner at Toronto and East York District, 100 Queen St W Floor 18 E Toronto On, M5H 2N2.

SAVE THE REGENT THEATRE- Iconic Local Movie House on Mount Pleasant for Sale

I’m very concerned about the sale of the iconic and historic Regent Theatre on Mount Pleasant. In addition to the theatre being listed on the Heritage Registry, I successfully moved a motion at Community Council to have Heritage Preservation staff evaluate its full designation which would provide it with even greater protection. However, there are still concerns that its future could be threatened. I'm looking into every creative option that can be considered to protect its use and built form. I will certainly keep you updated on this!

Update on Our New and Improved Parks!

I'm delighted to share the exciting news with you that four new park projects are complete (or nearly complete) and will be ready to fully enjoy for this coming spring season! Below is an update for each of these new or improved green spaces:

Lionel Conacher Park

I am pleased to inform you that the Lionel Conacher Waterplay Improvements project is complete! The upgraded wading pool and new splash pad area will be operational and open to the public for the 2018 swimming season.

To allow the newly installed sod a little more time to germinate, the perimeter protection fencing will be removed next week.

June Rowlands (Davisville) Park

Over the past year, I worked closely with parents and local residents to envision the new Sharon Lois & Bram Playground and Musical Garden. That is why I'm excited to announce that the fencing will be removed and the playground will be ready to enjoy this week! Special thanks to Lesley Stoyan, the Communities in Action Group, Sharon Hampson and Bram Morrison for their participation in my design team, Dan Connolly and City Parks staff and everyone who contributed to community consultation meeting I hosted in the spring.

Please note that are a few finishing touches that will be completed in the fall including a wooden harvest table, and additional planting and lighting.

190 Manor Road East (Former Glebe Manor Lawn Bowling Club)

It's almost ready! After working together as a community, we successfully fought to preserve green space at the former Glebe Manor Lawn Bowling Club site. Keeping in the spirit of having publically accessible space for recreation, we envisioned a park that is now complete with a large and open flexible bocce court and games tables.

250 Manor Road East (Playground and Park beside Manor United Church)

While construction was nearly complete, the quick turn in weather means that some parts of the new playground will be completed in early spring. Please stay tuned for further updates on the brand new playground and park!

St. Cuthbert's Carols with Friends

Gather your friends and family for an evening of carol singing followed by mulled cider and cookies with St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church on Monday December 18th at 7:00pm! Donations of non-perishable food for the Flemingdon Park Community Food Bank are gratefully received.

TransformTO '2050 Pathway to a Low-Carbon Toronto'

Let's #TransformTO together! To reduce climate change all homes and buildings need to be more energy efficient. Learn how you can get started by clicking here.

#CNIBShopTalk: BlindSquare Enabled Project

It was my great pleasure to help CNIB launch their #ShopTalk: BlindSquare Enabled Project. This accessibility campaign aims to make the Yonge and St. Clair neighbourhood the most accessible in Canada through the placement of beacons in businesses. I welcome you to watch this video to learn more about this amazing project!

Holiday Wish List: A Guide to Helping Toronto's Homeless & Vulnerable

The City of Toronto surveyed agencies that run shelters, drop-ins and other services, asking them what gifts would bring cheer to their clients during the holidays. Fifty agencies are on this year's list, which details specific items that clients need, along with contacts and information about volunteer opportunities and holiday events. The most requested items on this year's list are winter clothing, gift cards, toiletries, baby products and non-perishable food. If you are interested in checking out this holiday wish list, please click here.

Annual 58th Toronto Scouts Christmas Tree Sale

It’s the annual 58th Toronto Scouts Christmas Tree Sale!  For over 60 years, local Scouts have been selling fresh, Ontario grown Christmas Trees & Wreaths to neighborhood residents.  They are located on the lawn at the Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd East.  Open weekdays 6:00pm-8:30pm and Sat-Sun 9:00am-6:00pm.  Deliveries available.  Call or text 437.776.1591 or email [email protected].

Please click here to view the flyer.

Sir Winston Churchill Park Association

Are you looking to improve the green space, cultural, and recreational activities of Sir Winston Churchill  Park? I welcome you to check out the new and improved Sir Winston Churchill Park Association webpage and Facebook page!

Add More Blue & Green to your Holidays

This holiday season – know before you throw.  Learn what holiday waste goes in the Blue Bin, Green Bin and Garbage Bin by clicking here. Let's keep recyclables and organics out of our landfills!

Update on the Independent Toronto Airspace Review

It's time for real action on fair flight paths to protect residents' quality of life! Back in September, Helios presented an overview of the recommendations they are making to NAV CANADA to mitigate the impact of aviation noise on the GTA. Recently, NAV CANADA issued a response that addresses each recommendation, outlines actions they are committing to take and provides timelines for the significant work ahead.

Midtown Yonge BIA Events

Join my friends at Midtown Yonge BIA this weekend from 2pm-5pm for their Midtown Merriment Holiday Caroling! For more details, please click here. Additionally, I hope to see you this evening at 5:30pm for their Menorah Lighting Ceremony and Chanukah Community Celebration on the southwest corner of Yonge and Davisville.

#Picture2050 Contest

What does a caring, thriving, climate-friendly city of the future look like? #Picture2050 is a photography contest for photographers of all ages, inspired by the Toronto's TransformTO Climate Plan. The goal of the plan is to reduce Toronto’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and build a healthy, equitable and prosperous city. Find all the contest rules and submit your photos at the contest website

City Hall and Community Update for November 16, 2017

Making Neighbourhood Road Safety a Priority

Keeping residents safe on our streets is a serious concern in our community and in neighbourhoods across our city. I was grateful that Toronto & East York Community Council supported my motion requesting Transportation Services Staff to report on measures we can take to improve pedestrian safety, including paved speed limit markings and zebra crossings. Visual cues, beyond street signs, are used in cities all over the world to reinforce the message that drivers must slow down on residential streets and expect pedestrians at intersections.

I also successfully moved a motion at Council requesting the police to provide more enforcement of traffic regulations on our city's neighbourhood streets. I am not convinced there's an adequate allocation of police enforcement in 53 Division - there are only two traffic officers for an area extending from Spadina Road to Thorncliffe Park and from Lawrence Avenue to Bloor St.

Also, the City's Transportation Services has relaunched their "Please Slow Down" lawn sign campaign to help make motorists aware of their speed in residential areas. I have a fresh stock of lawn signs available- please let me know if you'd like one!

Midtown in Focus: Draft Review of Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan Released

In 2015, I worked with my fellow Midtown Councillors to initiate the Midtown in Focus review of growth, built form, and infrastructure issues in the Yonge-Eglinton area. After two years of intensive study by our dedicated City Planning Staff, we now have an up-to-date policy that will guide growth in the area and, in combination with necessary improvements identified through the review, support the vitality and quality of life in Midtown Toronto.

The report before Committee tells the rest of Toronto what we as Midtown residents already know: social services and hard infrastructure have not kept pace with the rapid growth in our community. This has to change.

I successfully moved a motion with Councillor Jaye Robinson requesting City Planning to further support local residents by reporting on potential measures to help ensure that social services and physical infrastructure can accommodate existing and projected growth in the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan area. 

I look forward to seeing you in the New Year as Planning Staff consult further on their Review.

For more information, please see this report.

Toronto-St. Paul's Summit on Affordable Housing

Every Canadian deserves affordable and accessible housing, and all levels of government must work together to meet this goal. Please join me and the other elected officials of Toronto-St. Paul’s riding and share your questions, concerns, and ideas on this issue, and let’s work together to ensure the housing needs of our community are met.

I am honoured to be joining federal MP, Dr. Carolyn Bennett, provincial MPP, Dr.Eric Hoskins, my local colleagues at City Hall and school trustees in this important conversation with our residents.

The summit will take place at 3-5pm on Sunday, November 26 at Holy Rosary Church Parish Hall (376 St. Clair Avenue West). I hope to see you there!

Mount Pleasant Village Christmas Fair

Please join me for the annual Mount Pleasant Village Christmas Fair on Saturday, December 2. The event will take place from 10am to 4pm on Mount Pleasant Road between Eglinton Avenue and Millwood Road. There will be sidewalk sales, live music, photos with Santa and tree decorating & lighting. And remember to enter the grand prize draw to win $500 in Mount Pleasant Villlage Dollars!

Midtown Yonge BIA's 'Midtown Merriment' Festive Celebration

The Midtown Yonge BIA, in conjunction with AppleTree Markets, is holding its first ever Midtown Merriment holiday celebration on Saturday, November 25 from 12pm-5pm. Come and enjoy a holiday market, treats & hot chocolate, and tree lighting! Also, special appearances will be made by holiday carolers and Santa Claus! The event will take place in the parking lot along the east side of Yonge Street between Davisville Avenue and Millwood Road.

Central Eglinton Community Centre's Holiday Gift Fair

On Friday, December 1, the Central Eglinton Community Centre (160 Eglinton Avenue East) will be holding it's Holiday Gift Fair between 10am and 2pm. Come find that perfect gift from unqiue crafters and local vendors and enjoy free gift-wrapping. Also, this family-friendly community event will feature a bake sale, silent auction, door prizes and more. Free admission, everyone is welcome! 

For more information, visit the CECC's website or by calling 416 392-0511, ext 0.

Ecumenical Annual Food Drive

Churches in Rosedale, Moore Park and Leaside are again sponsoring a Christmas Drive (the 46th consecutive) to assist local food banks and agencies that are in urgent need of help at this time of year. Flyers are delivered to area households on Saturday, November 18 and donations are then picked up on the following Saturday, November 25. There are two locations. The first is Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church  (OLPH) on St. Clair Avenue East, one block west of Mount Pleasant Road. The other is St. Cuthbert’s Church on Bayview Avenue, south of Millwood Road near Humphreys Funeral Home.

Times on both days begin at 9:30 am. Donations are sorted and packed at OLPH with same day delivery to recipient food banks and agencies. In 2016, about 16,000 items were collected and it is hoped to better this figure this year as the demand is still great. Financial donations are also welcome and tax receipts are available. About 300 volunteers are required and community hours (generous ones) are available for high school students who require for graduation or other reasons.

In addition, two area Sobeys stores (St. Clair Avenue just east of Yonge Street and Wicksteed Avenue near Laird Drive) are once more supporting this effort by holding in-store drives throughout the Christmas season. These sources typically add another 10,000 or so to the overall total.

This is a fun event for both families and young persons and is in aid of a worthwhile cause to benefit the less fortunate members of our community. 

If further information is required, please contact the Campaign Chair, Brian Kearney, at 416-972-0585 or by e-mail.

Free Admission to Toronto History Museums Through November

Until November 30, general admission to 9 of the City's historic museums will be free courtesy of Mackenzie Investments in celebration of its 50th anniversary.

During the five-week period, visitors can explore Toronto history museums through ongoing tours during regular hours and discover memorable and moving exhibits such as "Eaton's Goes to War: Family, Memory & Meaning" at Mackenzie House, "Maple Leaf Forever: Toronto's Take on a National Symbol" at the Market Gallery and "Gibson House Preserves" at Gibson House.

The City of Toronto operates 10 history museums which annually produce over 300 programs and events, including the annual Gatsby Garden Party and the Indigenous Arts Festival, that are attended by more than 410,000 residents and visitors.

More information is available here. The public can also interact with the sites on Facebook at and Twitter @TOHistoricsites.

City Planning Rail and Land Use Study Public Consultations

The City Planning Division is conducting a Land Use Study to develop a series of rail corridor typologies that are intended to inform the creation of a set of guidelines that will assist City Planning staff in the review of development applications on lands that are adjacent to rail corridors and yards.

The study is being conducted in two Phases. Phase 1, is an inventory and information gathering phase to gain a better understanding of what rail infrastructure exists in the City, the nature of rail operations and allow for the creation of a series of potential rail infrastructure typologies. Informed by Phase 1, and using the typologies identified, Phase 2 will include the creation of the proposed guidelines for development in proximity to rail infrastructure.

Public consultation and input is a key feature of the Study and City of Toronto Planning staff have scheduled four public consultation meetings across the City. These meetings offer an opportunity to provide comments on the Phase 1 report, ask questions of City Planning staff and provide input regarding rail safety and new development in the City.

Feedback from these meetings will help inform City Planning staff as we develop a series of Toronto specific guidelines for development in proximity to rail operations.
Each meeting will run from 7 – 9PM and have been scheduled as follows:

November 16 – North York Civic Centre, Council Chambers (5100 Yonge Street)
November 21 – Scarborough Civic Centre, Council Chambers (150 Borough Drive)
November 30 – Metro Hall, Room 308/309 (55 John Street)

For more information regarding the ongoing study please visit the website. If you have questions regarding the consultations or would like to set up a briefing with staff, please contact Christian Giles by email or by phone at (416) 392-0881.

Help Re-Name Toronto's Emergency Shelter System!

Council recently adopted a review of how the City locates homeless shelters making it clear that the conversation about homelessness services has to change. To do that, homeless shelters—programs, service delivery models, and building designs—all need to be transformed. This is underway now to emphasize that services exist to support clients to move to permanent housing as quickly as possible and with supports to assist them to keep their homes.

Understanding that language and names are powerful signals of the transformative changes being proposed through the new service model, Council also suggested staff consider new names for the service.

The City is seeking the input of Toronto residents in this process. Your input will help inform an external consultant's recommendations regarding a possible new name for the homelessness services system, including shelters, to better reflect the positive roles that these play in communities and in the lives of our most vulnerable residents.

The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and is open until 12 December, 2017. You can access it here.

Stay Warm This Winter for Less

Tired of a cold, drafty home and high energy bills - HELP is here!

Through the City of Toronto's Home Energy Loan Program (HELP), you can get a low-interest loan to cover the cost of a new high-efficiency furnace, new windows, doors, insulation and more. And if you want to go the extra mile, the loan can also cover the cost of solar rooftop panels, solar hot water heaters, and geothermal heating and cooling!

The great thing about Toronto's Home Energy Loan Program, is that at the same time that you make your home more comfortable and reduce your energy bills, you'll also be reducing the emissions that contribute to climate change.

Low-interest rates and great terms
In addition to offering low-interest rates (starting at 2%), and repayment terms of up to 15 years, you can repay the loan at any time without penalty. And if you sell your home and don't want to pay off the loan, the new homeowner can assume the payments. Sound too good to be true? It's not!

Save energy, money and more!
The results are impressive. On average, HELP participants:
  • reduce their home energy use by 30%;
  • save over $560 per year on their energy bills; and
  • receive additional incentives of up to $2,250 from utility companies such as Enbridge Gas and IESO
You can get a loan of up to $75,000 for your improvements. The process begins with an easy online application. The HELP team will then connect you with a Registered Energy Advisor, help you access the incentives provided by the utility companies, and do what they can to make the process smooth and seamless.

The City's HELP team is available to support you throughout the process. Learn more by calling 416-392-1826 or by visiting the webpage here.

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: 30 Merton Street Development Meeting

This development application proposes to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a residential rental building at 37 storeys in height including a 5 to 7-storey base building. The proposed building would contain 315 rental apartment units and 142 above-grade parking spaces on levels 3 through 5. The proposal also includes 5 parking spaces on the ground floor and a 3-level underground commercial parking garage with an additional 199 parking spaces.

This public meeting will take place at 7pm on Thursday, November 30 at Christ Church Deer Park (1570 Yonge Street).

To speak to the planner directly, please contact Alex Teixeira at [email protected] or 416-392-0459 . Also, you may mail your comments to the planner at Toronto and East York District, 100 Queen St W Floor 18 E Toronto On, M5H 2N2.

Development Proposals in Ward 22

To ensure you are informed and engaged about development proposals being proposed for sites near your neighbourhood, I've created an interactive webpage

My webpage listing all the proposed developments in Ward 22 has recently been updated to reflect current development applications and, as always, contains locations, staff reports and public meeting notices. Additionally, the map now shows the boundaries of the Urban Growth Centre surrounding Yonge and Eglinton, as well as the designated Avenues (portions of Eglinton Avenue West, St. Clair Avenue West, Yonge Street, Mt. Pleasant Road and Bayview Avenue). These are all areas where the Province is directing growth. Clicking on any of them will provide links to more information about the ward's Avenues/Urban Growth Centre, as well as links to the City's Official Plan and local secondary plans. 

The OMB is a quasi-judicial, un-elected and un-accountable provincial body that has the final say on all planning decisions in the province of Ontario. The tribunal's powers to overrule decisions made by our elected municipal representatives are anti-democratic and often lead to planning decisions that far too often support the interests of the development industry over those of our communities and our city's official plan. To read more about the OMB and my advocacy to free Toronto from its purview, please click here.

City Hall and Community Update for October 6, 2017

Unprecedented Action Toward Preserving Midtown Toronto's Heritage Approved at City Council!

As part of the Midtown in Focus study, I’m very happy to announce that my colleagues supported Staff recommendations to include an unprecedented list of 258 main street properties on the City’s Heritage Register at Council this week. This represents the largest number of properties ever recommended for heritage protection in a single report brought forward at City Hall in Toronto’s history.

This report is the result of a huge undertaking by Heritage Preservation staff to evaluate the historic and cultural merit of each of these properties. I was delighted to work with them on this initiative through the Midtown in Focus study and look forward to continuing to work together to help protect what’s left of Midtown’s architectural heritage. We’ve lost too much already.

I have always advocated for the most appropriate development on a given site that’s respectful of its existing surroundings and community. This move will allow for more thoughtful and proactive evaluation of these sites, rather than developers automatically receiving demolition permits upon request.

It’s imperative that we identify an efficient and effective method for staying ahead of the wrecking ball when it comes to our ability to preserve the historical structures, sites and even views that help tell Toronto’s story. Shaping a vibrant and livable future for our great city must include an understanding of- and respect for- its past.

With this landmark step to protect our city’s heritage, we are making history.

Motion to Help Fund an Accessible Playground at Oriole Park PS Approved

I am very pleased to announce that my motion to provide $350,000 in local developers' fees to support the construction of an accessible playground at Oriole Park PS was successfully approved at City Council.

As Oriole Park students and parents know well, the current playground is too small and inadequate for children with special needs at the school and in the wider community. The new accessible playground equipment will allow children of all abilities to participate, and to be included, in recreational activities with each other.

I’ve had the opportunity to help fund other accessible playgrounds throughout Midtown, most recently at Deer Park PS, and I believe it’s important that kids of every ability have the opportunity to be included in the life of their school and play with all their friends.

I very much look forward to working closely with Trustee Laskin, Principal Quimby, the Parent Council, and local residents to build a wonderful new playground for all of our community's children.

UPDATE: Three Exciting Park Projects are Underway this Fall!

Now that the community consultation meetings, design and tenders are complete, I'm pleased to announce that shovels are (or will be in the ground shortly) for three park projects in our community! Below is an update on anticipated timelines to completion for each of these green spaces:

190 Manor Road East – I'm pleased to say that construction at the former Glebe Manor Lawn Bowling Club site has now begun. I look forward to it being ready for the community to enjoy by 2018.

250 Manor Road East - At the new playground park beside Manor Road United Church, I have been informed that construction should begin within the next few weeks.  This brand new playground park is also scheduled for completion by the end of this year.

You can review the concepts and designs for both of these parks here.

Sharon, Lois & Bram Playground and June Rowlands (Davisville) Park – Construction for Phase 2 improvements began last week, will continue into the Fall and are scheduled to be ready by the end of this year. The illustrative plans showing the new playground and other programming can be viewed here.

If construction progresses as planned, and without any unforeseen impediments such an inclement weather, it is anticipated that work on all three parks will be completed by the end of this year.

Protecting Midtown Tenants from Extreme Heat

Earlier this year, many Midtown tenants suffered during a late September heatwave. Some residents reported temperature readings of over 30 degrees Celsius in their units as a result of their landlords turning on heat and/or not turning on air conditioning.

I first moved a Council motion in 2012 to protect our community's renters from the health impacts of extreme heat including heat stroke, morbidity and mortality. The health dangers associated with prolonged heat events is increased by the fact that indoor temperatures tend to climb with each hot day. This is significant because populations that are susceptible to extreme heat tend to be more likely to spend time indoors, including the elderly and those who are chronically ill.

Landlords are currently required to ensure that the temperature in a rental unit not be lower than 21 degree Celsius – not that the heating system is on. Unfortunately, some landlords misinterpreted the City by-law and turned on the heat in their buildings. Others reported being concerned that if they turned off their heat and/or turned on their air conditioning that they could be fined should the temperature suddenly drop.

I asked landlords to use common sense when making these decisions and assured them that our by-law officers would do the same. A request was unfortunately the only tool I had available during this Fall's heatwave. That's why I'm pleased to announce that my colleagues unanimously supported my motion at the October meeting of City Council to better regulate room temperatures in apartment buildings.

The motion directs City Staff to consult with tenants, landlords and other relevant stakeholders to identify potential solutions, including the possibility of setting a maximum temperature for apartments and adjusting the heat by-law to allow for variable dates that reflect the weather instead of fixed dates that reflect an arbitrary rule.

It is unacceptable that members of our community were baking in their apartments this past Fall – everyone has the right to a comfortable and healthy home. I will continue working to ensure that our City's laws protect that right.

Council Proclaims Glenn Gould Day in Toronto

I'm pleased to announce that my motion to proclaim September 25 as Glenn Gould Day in Toronto was unanimously supported at Council this week. Gould is one of the most internationally revered Canadians ever and was a resident of the Yonge and St. Clair area. His 1955 Goldberg Variations is the best-selling classical piano record of all time. In addition to his more than 80 highly influential albums, there are 85 books in a dozen languages, more than 20 feature films, as well as plays, ballets, pop songs, and literally thousands of articles about Glenn Gould.

Glenn Gould’s significance extends far beyond the realm of classical Music. Gould remains an international icon of creative innovation who, along with Marshall McLuhan, predicted and embraced the transformative impact of technology.

Gould was Canada’s first cultural diplomat - the first Western artist to perform in the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War (1957). His playing was included on the celebrated Golden Record placed aboard the Voyager Spacecraft 40 years ago. Voyager, now 12.9 billion miles from earth, is the most distant man-made object from our planet. As the sole Canadian contributor to the Golden Record, Gould remains an enduring symbol of Canadian innovation and the embrace of the future, “the first Canadian in space.”

For more information on this unique genius, please visit the website for the Toronto-basedGlenn Gould Foundation.

Ravine Strategy

I was pleased to support a new Ravine Strategy for our city at this week's Council meeting. Toronto's unique ravine system is one of our greatest and green assets. The scale and scope of this urban green space system – over 300 km and 11,000 hectares – makes Toronto the envy of urban areas across the world. In Midtown, we are lucky to have several ravines that offer peaceful escape from our busy lives.

The Strategy provides, for the first time, an intentional and coordinated framework, vision and approach to management of this natural resource through a series of 20 actions under the five guiding principles: Protect, Invest, Connect, Partner, and Celebrate. These actions aim to guide the management of the ravines and ensure the protection of these irreplaceable lands is balanced with their use and enjoyment such that they continue to function and flourish for the next 100 years and beyond.

For more information, please read these City Reports.

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: Improvements to Pottery Playground and Splashpad!

I have heard from several residents that the playground equipment and splashpad at Pottery Playground on Merton Street could use improvements. That's why I'm happy to direct developers' fees toward some much-needed enhancements at this beloved community park.

Please join me on Monday, October 16 at 7pm to discuss exciting, new playground improvements!

The meeting will take place in Room 174 at Greenwood College (443 Mount Pleasant Road) and will give you a chance to review new playground and splashpad concept designs with myself and Parks, Forestry & Recreation staff. I hope to see you there!

Neighbour-to-Neighbour 2.0 Program Launch

In my capacity as Toronto's Seniors Advocate, I was delighted to join Seniors Affairs Minister, Dipika Damerla, MPP Han Dong and the Neighbourhood Group in celebrating International Seniors Day (October 1) and to launch its expanded Neighbour-to-Neighbour (N2N) 2.0 program.

The N2N 2.0 program keeps seniors in the downtown core socially connected and enables their engagement with their communities. It knows that over 8,000 adults aged 65+ are living alone in downtown Toronto and acknowledges that social isolation has many negative impacts on overall health and wellbeing. Social connection through Friendly Visiting combats isolation. There are several organizations working on this collaborative program, including the Neighbourhood Group, Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre, West Neighbourhood House and Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre. Each agency is working towards the same important goal - reducing social isolation.

For more information on the Neighbourhood Group and the N@N 2.0 program, please email [email protected] or call 416-392-1509 x 326.

(Josh with the Minister of Seniors Affairs, Dipika Damerla, MPP Han Dong, City staff and aging experts at the Neighbour-to-Neighbour 2.0 program launch)

Ward 22's Annual Pumpkin Parade

Please join me, my family, Apple Tree Markets, friends and neighbors, for a community gathering at Glebe Manor Square East (Belsize Parkette) at 6:30-8:30pm on November 1st.

This is a fun community event where kids come in costumes, parents often bring drinks and everyone brings their pumpkins for an encore performance from Halloween the night before. I've arranged for your pumpkins to be picked up by the City if you'd like to leave yours at the park!

Parks, Forestry and Recreation Parkland Strategy Update

A city builds a park so that people can build community. Toronto is known for our parks and natural environment, and as Toronto grows, our parks system must grow along with it.

However, there are gaps in the system; areas in the city where more must be done. And we must reinvest and re-invigorate our existing green space.

Toronto's parks system is much more than official city parks; it includes open spaces, conservation lands, ravines, hydro corridors, schools and other privately owned, publicly accessible lands. We need to work together to ensure a livable Toronto for today, and for future generations.

The Parkland Strategy is a 20-year plan that will guide long-term planning for new parks and expansion and improved access to existing parks.  It will aid in the decision-making and prioritization of investment in parkland across the city.

To learn more, and to join in the conversation, visit

Forest Hill Village Streetscape Masterplan Public Workshop Consultation

When: Monday October 30th from 6:00 to 8:30pm

Where: Grace Church on-the-Hill - Gymnasium, 300 Lonsdale Rd.

Forest Hill Village community members are invited to join me and my colleague Councillor Mihevc, members of the Forest Hill Village BIA, and representatives from PLANT Architect Inc. at a Public Consultation Workshop for the Streetscape Master Plan of Forest Hill Village.

The local BIA is seeking community feedback and input on the proposed Master Plan and invite the public to share their ideas on how to enhance Forest Hill’s village-like feel and improve the streetscape. Using the recently refreshed Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guidelines I initiated as a starting point, the public will be encouraged to provide input on how to enhance pedestrian safety and activity, provide additional soft landscaping and social space, and increase bicycle activity in Forest Hill Village.

Cycle Toronto Midtown Welcomes You to a New Members Night

Can safety be improved for people who bike in Midtown Toronto? On Thursday October 26, joinCycle Toronto's local ward advocacy group, over pub food and drinks, to learn what they do and how you can get involved. Feel welcome meet at 7pm at The Abbott Pub on Eglinton, between Spadina Road and Avenue Road.

For more information, please click here.

New Parking Violation Dispute Process

The City of Toronto has introduced an Administrative Penalty System (APS) - an easier, more convenient process for disputing parking violations. Disputes will be handled by the City instead of through the court, providing you with faster resolutions and a more efficient process.

Screening reviews are now available online or in-person with a City of Toronto Screening Officer. The Screening Officer can affirm, vary or cancel the penalty, and vary or cancel any fees. The Screening Officer can also provide individuals with additional time to pay the penalty, if required.

Not satisfied with the decision of the Screen Officer? You may request an additional review with an Administrative Penalty Tribunal Hearing Officer. The decision of the Hearing Officer is final and will not be reviewed further.

Harvest Moon Cabaret

On Saturday, October 28 at 7:30pm, Glebe Road United Church (20 Glebe Road East) will be hosting their annual Harvest Moon Cabaret fundraiser! Prepare to be scared, enchanted and bewitched in this year's Halloween themed show. Enjoy a fun evening of music, food, wine and raffle baskets!

For further details and ticket ordering, please click here.

Nominate a Woman of Distinction

Do you know a woman who is making a difference and improving the lives of women and girls? Every year, YWCA Toronto honours the work of remarkable women who are creating new opportunities for women and girls in a wide array of areas such as leadership, business, education, social justice, advocacy, art, health and philanthropy.

For more information, please click here.

Noise Management Program Benchmarking and Best Practice Study

As a part of Toronto Pearson's commitment to mitigating noise impacts for residents who are negatively affected by aircraft noise, the GTAA commissioned a Noise Management Benchmarking and Best Practices study.  The purpose of the study is to determine what successful measures other international airports have taken to reduce the impacts of operational noise. The study looked at 11 areas of noise management at 26 comparative airports around the world to identify potential new programs to be adopted at Toronto Pearson.

Recommendations from this study will be used to help inform the GTAA’s updated five-year Noise Management Action Plan, which will  also include input from NAV CANADA’s Independent Toronto Area Airspace Noise Review, Toronto Pearson Residents’ Reference Panel report, their recent survey on noise fairness and airport growth and public consultations over the last year.

The full Noise Management Program Benchmarking and Best Practices Study is available here.

Ecumenical Annual Food Drive

Churches in Rosedale, Moore Park and Leaside are again sponsoring a Christmas Drive (the 46th consecutive) to assist local food banks and agencies that are in urgent need of help at this time of year. Flyers are delivered to area households on Saturday, November 18 and donations are then picked up on the following Saturday, November 25. There are two locations. The first is Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church  (OLPH) on St. Clair Avenue East, one block west of Mount Pleasant Road. The other is St. Cuthbert’s Church on Bayview Avenue, south of Millwood Road near Humphreys Funeral Home.

Times on both days begin at 9:30 am. Donations are sorted and packed at OLPH with same day delivery to recipient food banks and agencies. In 2016, about 16,000 items were collected and it is hoped to better this figure this year as the demand is still great. Financial donations are also welcome and tax receipts are available. About 300 volunteers are required and community hours (generous ones) are available for high school students who require for graduation or other reasons.

In addition, two area Sobeys stores (St. Clair Avenue just east of Yonge Street and Wicksteed Avenue near Laird Drive) are once more supporting this effort by holding in-store drives throughout the Christmas season. These sources typically add another 10,000 or so to the overall total.

This is a fun event for both families and young persons and is in aid of a worthwhile cause to benefit the less fortunate members of our community. 

If further information is required, please contact the Campaign Chair, Brian Kearney, at 416-972-0585 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Central Eglinton Community Centre's "Discovering Technologies" Program

Sign-up for Central Eglinton's "Discovering Technologies" Program! Children in grades two and three are welcome to join Storytelling with Lego, Keyboarding and Coding with Scratch and Intro to Robotics with Lego WeDo. To register, please call 416-392-0511 ext. 0 or visit theirwebsite.

Annual Charity Auction at Central Eglinton Community Centre

You're invited to attend Central Eglinton's Annual Charity Auction on Monday, October 23rd at the Granite Brewery! The silent auction begins at 6pm, and the live auction starts at 7pm. Some of the fabulous items up for bid include movie and entertainment passes, salon and spa vouchers, dinners for two, children's toys and games, sporting event tickets and much more! Please phone 416-392-0511 ext. 0 or visit the CECC website for more information.

Nominate Your Outstanding Neighbour!

In honour of Canada 150, Hon. MP Carolyn Bennett is celebrating the amazing neighbours and ‘unsung heroes’ of Toronto-St. Paul’s. Send your nomination of someone who has made outstanding contributions to our community to [email protected] by October 15, 2017. A panel of Order of Canada recipients will select the winners and a reception will be held in late October to celebrate!

For more information, please click here.

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE: 75 Broadway Avenue Development Meeting

A rezoning application has been submitted to City Planning to replace the existing 10-storey apartment building with a 40-storey apartment tower containing 402 units.

This meeting will take place at 6:30pm on Tuesday, October 24 in the Auditorium at Northern Secondary School.

To speak to the planner directly, please contact David Driedger at 416-392-7613 or [email protected]. Also, you may mail your comments to the planner at Toronto and East York District, 100 Queen St W Floor 18 E Toronto On, M5H 2N2.

"Not Down the Drain" TO Water Campaign

Do you know what can and can’t go down your drain? Putting the wrong things in your pipes can have some pretty nasty consequences, including basement flooding, polluting our streams, rivers and the Lake, as well as clogging City pipes – something that ends up costing us all. Please note that items like grease, wipes and dental floss should not go down the drain.

For more information, please click here.

Development Proposals in Ward 22

To ensure you are informed and engaged about development proposals being proposed for sites near your neighbourhood, I've created an interactive webpage

My webpage listing all the proposed developments in Ward 22 has recently been updated to reflect current development applications and, as always, contains locations, staff reports and public meeting notices. Additionally, the map now shows the boundaries of the Urban Growth Centre surrounding Yonge and Eglinton, as well as the designated Avenues (portions of Eglinton Avenue West, St. Clair Avenue West, Yonge Street, Mt. Pleasant Road and Bayview Avenue). These are all areas where the Province is directing growth. Clicking on any of them will provide links to more information about the ward's Avenues/Urban Growth Centre, as well as links to the City's Official Plan and local secondary plans. 

I initiated Midtown in Focus, a review of the necessary infrastructure and social services that support our community's quality of life in the Yonge and Eglinton area. This study includes transit, roads, public realm, utilities, school capacity, recreation, affordable childcare, heritage properties and much more. I believe this should have been done thirty years ago, before the condo boom. However, I believe this work is critical to ensure that Midtown Toronto is planned for people rather than developers' pocketbooks. Click here to learn more about this initiative.

The OMB is a quasi-judicial, un-elected and un-accountable provincial body that has the final say on all planning decisions in the province of Ontario. The tribunal's powers to overrule decisions made by our elected municipal representatives are anti-democratic and often lead to planning decisions that far too often support the interests of the development industry over those of our communities and our city's official plan. To read more about the OMB and my advocacy to free Toronto from its purview, please click here.

Cool Off This Weekend at City's Reopened Splash Pads!

Dear residents,

I heard from many of you in the last day that you were disappointed that the City's splash pads were not operational with unseasonably high temperatures expected to continue. That's why I am delighted to share with you that we successfully advocated to have the vast majority of the City's splash pads turned back on for the weekend. The General Manager of Parks informed my office this afternoon that they will be able to reset the timers on pads by the end of the day tomorrow! While most pads will be operational, due to technical constraints, there may be a couple throughout the city that cannot be turned back on.

I look forward to cooling off with my daughter Molly over the next couple of days at our local splash pad. Hope that you and your family have the opportunity to do the same!



Upcoming Fun, Exciting & Important Ward 22 Community Events!

Dear residents,



We’re truly fortunate to have such a vibrant local community here in Midtown Toronto and I'm delighted to share some really exciting events coming up over the next few weeks! Please come out to support our local businesses and spend quality time with our neighbours and friends. I’ve also included some important public meetings that might be of interest to you.


Announcing an Unprecedented Action Toward Preserving Midtown Toronto's Heritage

The Yonge and Eglinton area has experienced significant growth and I believe it is vital that we ensure that the community is an attractive place to live, work and play. Our quality of life should always be the focus of urban planning.

That's why I initiated a review of the area’s secondary plan (which should’ve been done many years ago) to support additional services and infrastructure for our midtown neighbourhoods to finally keep up with the pace of growth in this provincially designated urban growth centre. I’ve been actively working with the City and the Midtown Working Group to develop a plan for the Yonge and Eglinton area, Midtown in Focus, that ensures the ingredients of a livable community are in place, including parks and public spaces, community services and facilities such as affordable daycare and recreation, transportation and servicing infrastructure. An important part of this initiative is a focus on heritage preservation.

As part of the Midtown in Focus study, I’m very happy to announce that today Heritage Preservation Services is supporting recommendations to include an unprecedented list of 258 main street properties on the City’s Heritage Register at the Toronto Preservation Board. This represents the largest number of properties ever recommended for heritage protection in a single report brought forward at City Hall in Toronto’s history.

This report is the result of a huge undertaking by Heritage Preservation staff to evaluate the historic and cultural merit of each of these properties. I was delighted to work with them on this initiative through the Midtown in Focus study and look forward to continuing to work together to help protect what’s left of Midtown’s architectural heritage. We’ve lost too much already.

City Planning will also be reporting back today on council's request to implement a city-wide heritage survey. As you may recall, I successfully moved a motion several years ago that sought a more timely and proactive method for providing protection to Toronto’s heritage-worthy properties under the Ontario Heritage Act. Since then, three more motions were passed at City Council earlier this year with the same mandate, in the wake of the wanton demolition of a historic bank building at 2444 Yonge Street.

I have always advocated for the most appropriate development on a given site that’s respectful of its existing surroundings and respectful of community.

It’s imperative that we identify an efficient and effective method for staying ahead of the wrecking ball when it comes to our ability to preserve the historical structures, sites and even views that help tell Toronto’s story. Shaping a vibrant and livable future for our great city must include an understanding of- and respect for- its past.

Today, with this landmark step to protect our city’s heritage, we are making history.

City Hall and Community Update for July 7, 2017

Rest in Peace, My Friend and Colleague, Councillor Pam McConnell

Today at City Council, we were informed of the passing of Ward 28's Councillor Pam McConnell. Pam was a veteran city councillor and a caring and effective advocate for her community. She courageously lead the efforts to revitalize Regent Park, fought to protect the architectural heritage of neighbourhoods including Cabbagetown and St. Lawrence and championed the City of Toronto's Poverty Reduction Strategy, among many other significant accomplishments.

As her seatmate at Toronto & East York Community Council, I knew Pam as a loving mother and grandma. We would very often discuss our families, and share photos of my daughter and her grandchildren.

I know I speak for our entire community by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to her family for her remarkable service to the residents of Toronto. I also wish them our very sincerest condolences.

I will miss her dearly.

Yonge-Eglinton Planning Review Moving Forward

Building on the success of Midtown in Focus, the new public space Master Plan for Midtown, I've  supported our City Planning Division to lead an inter-divisional review of growth, built form and infrastructure issues in the Yonge-Eglinton area. This study will inform the development of up-to-date policy that will guide growth in the area and, in combination with necessary capital upgrades identified through the review, support the vitality and quality of Midtown Toronto. Our midtown area, as the population grows, needs improved hard infrastructure such as transit, pipes and wires capacity, and social services such as school space, affordable childcare and recreation, to support building a community for people, rather than just condo developers.

I frankly wish this had been done decades ago, but it is critical to support our quality of life in a growing community.

I would also like to recognize the outstanding work of our local Residents' Associations, Business Improvement Associations, not-for-profit organizations, tenants associations, condo boards, recreation groups, and others, throughout this process. Dedicated volunteers have attended meetings, consultations, and workshops to advocate on our community’s behalf. I am proud to work closely with them. I expect updates to the study this fall.

90 Eglinton Ave West development approved by Council despite being contrary to the City of Toronto's policies and Official Plan

While not in Ward 22, local residents' associations and I are very disappointed that a development proposal at 90 Eglinton Ave W, near Yonge St was approved at Council this week. The Ward 16 proposal contravenes the intent of the Eglinton Connects by-law and Toronto'sEmployment Lands Strategy, which mandates 100% office replacement in every new development.

To uphold Council policy, I moved an amendment to a refusal motion moved by local councillor, Christin Carmichael Greb, that required the developer to provide full office replacement and respect the intent of the Eglinton Connects plan for a midrise development on this site. My amendment was approved but Carmichael Greb’s motion was defeated. Subsequently, the item, as amended, was defeated. There is nothing that can be done at this point to reopen the item.

The only recourse at this point is for a Residents' Association, or another person or group involved in the process, to make an appeal at the Ontario Municipal Board.

I will continue to advocate for adherence to the Eglinton Connects plan and full office replacement to help ensure that our community's vision of an appropriately-scaled and complete neighbourhood where people can live, work, and play is implemented.

For more information, please see this article.

Council Approves Start of Updated Plan for Yonge and St. Clair

As many local residents know, there is increasing development pressure in the Yonge and St. Clair area. Many of the current development proposals do not conform to the existing policies of the Secondary Plan.

That's why I moved a motion to update and strengthen the policies of the local Secondary Plan. The motion also directs City Planning Staff to advise developers that City Council will not support new proposals in the Yonge St. Clair Secondary Plan Area that permit development at a scale, intensity or character that requires reconsideration of the Secondary Plan policies prior to adoption of this new review.

Branded Neighbourhood Street Signs Approved for Deer Park

Deer Park, surrounding Yonge and St. Clair, has a long and storied history. The area was referred to by the First Nations peoples as “Mashquoteh”, which is Ojibway for meadow or woodland where deer come to feed. In 1837, Agnes Heath, widow of Col. Charles Heath, relocated from India to Canada with her children and purchased 40 acres northwest of Yonge Street and St. Clair Avenue West (then known as the Third Concession Road) and appropriately named it Deer Park.

The area was annexed to the City of Toronto in 1908 and was established as one of Toronto’s finest residential districts by the 1930s. Pianist Glenn Gould, Group of Seven founding member J. E. H. MacDonald, writer Farley Mowat, and former Prime Minister John Turner have all called Deer Park home.

I am happy to report that my motion to honour this historic neighbourhood with branded street signs, paid for through development fees, was approved at Council this month.

Fire Services to Provide Greater Transparency to Toronto Tenants in the Wake of British High Rise Tragedy

After the recent apartment fire tragedy in England, I was surprised to learn that tenants did not have access to the fire inspection records of their own homes. If a resident wanted to obtain these records they would have to file an onerous Freedom of Information request with the provincial government.

I am happy to report that after I raised concerns about this practice, Deputy Fire Chief Jim Jessop agreed to make the inspections more accessible. As the Chair of the Tenant Issues Committee, I have asked him to provide further details at our meeting on October 19, 2017.

For more information, please see this article.

Auditor General's Investigation into Questionable Toronto Parking Authority Land Deal Moves Forward

I am pleased that a very questionable land deal involving the Toronto Parking Authority is being investigated further. Auditor General Beverly Romeo-Beehler’s nearly 10-month investigation questioned both the process and the $12.2-million price of a proposed land deal in the northwest end of the city. Her report outlines obfuscation by parking authority executives, prodding by the local councillor who was looking to push the deal forward, and potential conflicts among hired lobbyists and consultants with prior connections to the land, according to the Toronto Star. Please read this article for more information.

I strongly support the plan to have the current board members of the Toronto Parking Authority be put on temporary leave while further investigation takes place, with the City Manager taking over control of the governance of the Board. More information on Council's decision is available in this article.

Climate Change Plan Requires Adequate Funding To Succeed

TransformTO: Toronto's Climate Action Plan is a great road map for how we can meet our target of an 80% reduction of greenhouse gases against 1990 levels by the year 2050. However, our current pace of change is insufficient to achieve that target.

The plan shows that the 2050 goal is achievable with existing technologies but it means bold action is required to transform Toronto's urban systems - buildings, energy, transportation and waste. That will require further resources and leadership at City Hall.

For more information, please see this article.

Federal Government Contributes $4.8 billion for Toronto Transit Projects

The federal government announced they would contribute $4.8 billion toward 1/3 shares of transit projects in Toronto. City council has submitted four priority projects for the federal transit fund:
  • The Relief Subway Line ($6.8 billion)
  • RER ($3.7 billion)
  • Eglinton East LRT ($1.7 billion)
  • Waterfront transit ($1.5 billion)
Together, the projects are estimated to cost $13.7 billion.

I sincerely thank the federal government for their significant contribution. Among other important projects, this marks the first capital money for the much-needed Relief Subway Line.

The federal government has required the Province and the City to each contribute a 1/3 share for the projects. The province has yet to confirm their participation and I have concerns regarding the City's ability to pay its share as we have reached our debt ceiling as a result of ill-advised projects including the Scarborough Subway and the Gardiner East rebuild.

If the province and Council make clear choices about their priorities, we can work together to ensure that this federal funding kick starts the next wave of important transit projects in Toronto.

For more information, please see this article.

New Plan for Senior Tenants in Toronto Community Housing a Good First Step

Phase 1 of the Tenants First Implementation Plan was approved at Council this week. The plan will see the creation of a new Seniors Housing and Services entity that is more directly accountable to City Council, that strategically aligns City programs and services for seniors, including coordinating the provision of services by community and provincial agencies, and is responsible for management of the 83 seniors-designated buildings currently within the TCHC portfolio.

Update on Seniors Issues

Over the next two decades, the number of seniors in Toronto will more than double. To prepare for this, I initiated the Toronto Seniors Strategy – in 2013. With 86 of the original 91 recommendations now implemented, City staff and I, in my capacity as Toronto's Seniors Advocate, are working with older Torontonians, caregivers, agencies and other orders of government to co-create the next version of our strategy - TSS 2.0. This next phase will be completed in the Fall.

An important goal for version 2.0 of the Toronto Seniors Strategy is to start re-framing how seniors are referred to in City policies and practices. That's why I'm pleased to announce that my motionPlanning an Age-Friendly Toronto, was approved at City Council this week. It makes an explicit link between Council’s commitment to being an age-friendly city and the City’s Official Plan. When the new Official Plan review process begins in the next few years, we will be reinforcing and building on policies in the current plan that are consistent with creating an age-friendly built environment.

Also, I was honoured to recognize my friend, Frances Chapkin at Council this week. Frances has been chosen as Ontario's 2017 Senior of the Year! This is a well-deserved award for someone who has devoted decades of her life to volunteer work aimed at improving the lives of our elder population.

(Josh at the City's Seniors Month Launch Event with Ontario's 2017 Senior of the Year, Frances Chapkin)
The Republic of Rathnelly Celebrates their 50th Anniversary through Festivities and New Laneway Names

I deeply enjoyed the opportunity to join the residents of the Rathnelly community in celebrating their 50th annual Rathnelly Day! This day marks a unique example of community activism in our city's history when hundreds of residents boldly (and cheekily) declared succession from Canada to protest the construction of the Spadina Expressway.

In keeping with this spirit, I had the pleasure of working with my friends from RARA (Rathnelly Area Residents' Association) and Transportation Staff to commemorate the community's history and important individuals through five laneway namings: Robin Fraser Lane, Rebellion Lane, Michael Snow Lane, Stop Spadina Lane and Aileen Robertson Lane. Long live the Republic!

You can read more about the rich history of Rathnelly Day here.

(Josh at the Republic of Rathnelly's 50th anniversary celebration)
What's On: Events at Ward 22 Toronto Public Library Branches for July - August 2017

The Deer Park and Mount Pleasant Toronto Public Library branches are offering many exciting programs this summer. To learn about the programs being offered, please click here

You can also stay up-to-date with the latest library news and upcoming programs by signing up for the their What’s On at the Library enewsletter.

Summer Officially Kicks Off with the Opening of Outdoor Pools

Last week marked the official kick-off of the 2017 summer season with the opening of 59 city-wide outdoor pools and over 100 wading pools.

The City's outdoor pools will remain open, weather permitting, with varying schedules, until Labour Day weekend. For information about pool hours, operations and locations, please click here or call 311.

Supervision or swimming ability requirements are in place for children under 10 years of age. Leisure swimming is free for all ages.

Over 90 splash pads are open across the city and will remain open until September 17. Splash pads operate daily from 9am to 8:30pm and are activated through push-button features. Caregivers are reminded to supervise their children at these unsupervised water play areas.

More than 100 supervised wading pools are also open for the summer. Each will operate on individual schedules until September 3, weather permitting. Wading pools are shallow water areas for children located in parks. Caregivers are reminded to supervise children at all times in these areas.

Have your say! Protecting Toronto's pollinators

The City is inviting residents to share their views on a proposed strategy to protect Toronto's bees and other pollinators. The purpose of the strategy is to identify actions that can be taken by the City and the community to protect, enhance and create habitat for Toronto's pollinators. Toronto is home to more than 360 species of bees, and more than 100 species of butterflies and other pollinators. Some species are in decline. Learn more and share your views.

Volunteer Toronto: Becoming a Board Member Workshops

Are you a professional interested in volunteering in a leadership role? Volunteering as a non-profit board member may be the role for you. To find out what's involved and meet non-profits who are actively looking for volunteers to join their board, visit one of Volunteer Toronto’s upcoming workshops. 

For upcoming workshop dates and locations, please click here.

Development Proposals in Ward 22

To ensure you are informed and engaged about development proposals being proposed for sites near your neighbourhood, I've created an interactive webpage

My webpage listing all the proposed developments in Ward 22 has recently been updated to reflect current development applications and, as always, contains locations, staff reports and public meeting notices. Additionally, the map now shows the boundaries of the Urban Growth Centre surrounding Yonge and Eglinton, as well as the designated Avenues (portions of Eglinton Avenue West, St. Clair Avenue West, Yonge Street, Mt. Pleasant Road and Bayview Avenue). These are all areas where the Province is directing growth. Clicking on any of them will provide links to more information about the ward's Avenues/Urban Growth Centre, as well as links to the City's Official Plan and local secondary plans. 

The OMB is a quasi-judicial, un-elected and un-accountable provincial body that has the final say on all planning decisions in the province of Ontario. The tribunal's powers to overrule decisions made by our elected municipal representatives are anti-democratic and often lead to planning decisions that far too often support the interests of the development industry over those of our communities and our city's official plan. To read more about the OMB and my advocacy to free Toronto from its purview, please click here.

City Hall and Community Update for May 31, 2017

Reimagining Yonge and Eglinton's Canada Square / TTC Bus Barns Public Meeting

For too many years, the TTC Bus Barns property at the southwest corner of Yonge and Eglinton was left as a derelict eyesore in the heart of our community. More recently, this site has been actively used as a construction staging area for Metrolinx's Eglinton Crosstown LRT.

I believe it's time to ensure that there is a plan in place so that these lands, along with rest of the Canada Square property, can be thoughtfully redeveloped when the LRT is completed. Leaders of our local residents' associations and I have had initial meetings with Oxford Properties, the developer of the site, and I have already informed them of four expectations I have on behalf of our community:

1. That any new development be based on good urban planning principles and be respectful of the City of Toronto's Official Plan

2. That any new development demonstrate an appropriate transition in scale to the adjacent neighbourhood

3. That plans be devised with the community and be respectful of local residents' feedback and not be appealed to either the OMB or the proposed Local Planning Appeals Tribunal

4. Any plan for the site must include a truly remarkable public space that would provide necessary public realm for both local residents and visitors alike. My vision is for a public space that one would find in cities like Rome, New York, London and Paris, rather than the concrete mediocrity we're accustomed to in Toronto.

Please join me and City Staff in a discussion about how you would like to see the TTC Bus Barns and Canada Square properties be redeveloped. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 7 at 7pm at the North Toronto Collegiate Institute Commons (17 Broadway Avenue).

To view the community notice for this meeting, please click here.

Improving the Deer Park Streetscape at Yonge & St. Clair: The New Planter Boxes Have Arrived!

As local residents know all too well, the public realm in the Yonge and St. Clair area is in great need of improvement, including the out-of-date, crumbling concrete planters in the area.

To help improve the neighbourhood, I directed developers' fees toward Section 37 streetscape improvements in the Yonge and St. Clair area. The motion allocated $200,000 for planting trees in new planters and other street enhancements. This is part of my plan for the renewal of the area including the restoration of Lawton Parkette and other public art features including the new iconic mural.

Despite some timeline setbacks experienced by City staff during the tender and manufacturing stages, our beautiful new planter boxes are finally here! You may have noticed the striking metal and wood boxes being installed over the past few days. Some will be solely planter boxes and others will provide seating to contribute to an age-friendly neighbourhood.

The new planters will replace the existing ones in the same locations. Urban Forestry has assessed the condition of all existing trees: for existing trees that are in good condition, the old concrete surrounds will be removed and replaced with the new planter boxes. Trees and associated planters in poor condition will be removed and replaced with new planters and new trees in the same location. Urban Forestry will be maintaining the new trees.

(Old vs. New, street tree planter boxes at Yonge & St. Clair)

REMINDER: Councillor Josh Matlow's Community Environment Day

On Thursday, June 1 from 4-8pm, I will be hosting my annual Community Environment Day. The event will take place in the parking lot of North Toronto Memorial Arena (174 Orchard View Blvd).

Please drop off any unwanted art supplies, books, toys, and used sports equipment. Facilities will be available to dispose of computers and other hazardous household waste.

For full event details and more information on acceptable drop-off items, please click here.

Provincial Legislation Establishing New Tribunal Replacing OMB Introduced Yesterday

In my last newsletter, I informed you that the Province had announced the elimination of the Ontario Municipal Board, to be replaced by the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal. This will give cities and residents more control over development decisions and community planning.

The government tabled the bill, titled the Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, yesterday at Queen's Park. From the provincial press release, the proposed law will include the following reforms aimed at giving communities a stronger voice in local land use planning decisions:
  • For complex land use planning appeals, the tribunal would only be able to overturn a municipal decision if it does not follow provincial policies or municipal plans. This would depart from the current "standard of review" for land use planning appeals, where the Ontario Municipal Board is permitted to overturn a municipal decision whenever it finds that the municipality did not reach the "best" planning decision.
  • In these cases, the tribunal would be required to return the matter to the municipality with written reasons when it overturns a decision, instead of replacing the municipality's decision with its own. The municipality would be provided with 90 days to make a new decision on an application under the proposed new law.
  • The tribunal would retain the authority to make a final decision on these matters only when, on a second appeal, the municipality's subsequent decision still fails to follow provincial policies or municipal plans.
Under this new model, the tribunal would be required to give greater weight to the decisions of local communities, while ensuring that development occurs in a way that is good for Ontario and its future. 

For more information, the City's Planning Department prepared a detailed briefing note. The Planning department can be reached at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Ontario to Overhaul Land Use Planning Appeals System to Give Local Communities a Stronger Voice in Land Use Planning Decisions

Issue / Background:
On May 16, 2017 the Ontario Government announced it was taking action to overhaul the Province's land use planning appeals system to give communities a stronger voice in land use planning decisions and ensure people have access to faster, fairer and more affordable hearings.  As part of this process legislation will be introduced to create the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, which if passed, will replace the Ontario Municipal Board. 

Key Points:
The proposed legislation will include various measures to transform Ontario's land use planning appeals system, including:
  • Mandating the new tribunal to give greater weight to the decisions of local communities, while ensuring that development and growth occurs in a way that is good for Ontario and its future.
  • Eliminating lengthy and costly "de novo" hearings for the majority of planning appeals.
  • Exempting a broader range of major land use planning decisions from appeal, including new Official Plans, major Official Plan updates and detailed plans to support growth in major transit areas.
  • Establishing a mandatory case conference for complex hearings to encourage early settlements, which would help reduce the time and cost of appeals and create a less adversarial system.
It will include reforms aimed at giving communities a stronger voice in local land use planning decisions including:
  • For complex land use planning appeals, the tribunal will only be able to overturn a municipal decision if it does not follow provincial policies or municipal plans. This is a departure from the current "standard of review" for land use planning appeals, where the Ontario Municipal Board is permitted to overturn a municipal decision whenever it finds that the municipality did not reach the "best" planning decision.
  • In these cases, the tribunal will be required to return the matter to the municipality with written reasons when it overturns a decision, instead of replacing the municipality's decision with its own. The municipality will be provided with 90 days to make a new decision on an application under the proposed new law.
  • The tribunal will retain the authority to make a final decision on these matters only when, on a second appeal, the municipality's subsequent decision still fails to follow provincial policies or municipal plans.
The Ontario government has identified the following Proposed Hearing Process:
The proposed legislation will also:
  • Restrict applications to amend new secondary (i.e. neighbourhood) plans for two years, unless permitted by a municipal council, and limit the ability to appeal an interim control by-law when first passed for a period of up to one year.
  • Give Local Appeal Bodies (LABS) more authority.  If passed the legislation will allow LABS to be able to hear appeals on site plans, in addition to their current scope of minor variances and consents.
The following matters will no longer be appeal-able under the proposed law:
  • Provincial approvals of official plans and official plan updates, including approvals of conformity exercises to provincial plans
  • Minister's Zoning Orders
The proposed new legislation will introduce major changes to the way land use planning appeals are conducted in order to reduce the length and cost of hearings and create a more level playing field for all participants as follows:
  • Requiring the tribunal to conduct mandatory case management for the majority of cases in order to narrow the issues and encourage case settlement. The tribunal will also be provided with modern case management powers to ensure meaningful case conferences.
  • Creating statutory rules regarding the conduct of hearings, including setting strict presumptive timelines for oral hearings and limiting evidence to written materials in the majority of cases.
  • Providing the tribunal with modern hearing powers to promote active adjudication, provide for alternative hearing formats and permit assignment of multi-member panels.
  • Giving elected officials greater control over local planning, resulting in fewer decisions being appealed, thereby making the decision-making process more efficient.

Inappropriate Development Proposal at 90 Eglinton West Deferred to Next Council Meeting

While not in Ward 22, local residents' associations and I share serious concerns about a development proposal at 90 Eglinton Ave W, near Yonge St. The Ward 16 proposal contravenes the intent of the Eglinton Connects by-law and Toronto's Employment Lands strategy, which mandates 100% office replacement in every new development.

Unfortunately, this application was supported by City Planning in a Final Report. The item was scheduled for debate at last week's Council meeting but was deferred until the next Council meeting as the agenda was not finished. I will continue working with local Councillor Christin Carmichael Greb to oppose this inappropriate development.

For more information, please see this Toronto Star article.

Relief Subway Line Planning Moves Forward, Project Still Unfunded

The Relief Line subway is Toronto's top transit priority. The new subway is desperately needed to reduce overcrowding on the Yonge line, which already sees many of you waiting 3 or 4 trains just to get on at Midtown stations including Eglinton, Davisville and St. Clair.

I am pleased that Council took an important step forward by voting to move forward with theplanning study for the Relief Line. Unfortunately, because of wasteful political decisions to move forward with the Gardiner Expressway and the Scarborough subway, the City does not have any capital funds to commit to this important infrastructure project. I also respectfully disagree with Mayor Tory that the future of the Relief Line should be tied to the extension of the Yonge line into York Region.

I will continue advocating for Council and Queen's Park to move forward on building this urgent and necessary evidence-based transit priority.

For more information, please see this article.

SERRA's Say NO to 18 Brownlow! Town Hall

SERRA (South Eglinton Ratepayers' & Residents' Association) invites you to a Town Hall meeting to bring the community an update on the ongoing opposition to the current development proposal for 18 Brownlow on Tuesday, June 6 at 6:30pm at the Church of Transfiguration (111 Manor Road East). SERRA has also kindly invited me to participate as a guest speaker.

As many of you are aware, the current proposal not only demonstrates complete over-development of the site, but does not respect the principles of the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan. Some of the key issues are:
  • The north side of Soudan and part of Redpath Avenue have been purchased by a developer who plans to put up two 24-storey rental towers on a four-story podium that will stretch along the north side of Soudan Avenue from Redpath to Brownlow Avenues – and abutting the townhouses on Redpath
  • The development represents more than 360 rental units, but with insufficient provision of parking and little regard for traffic flow and shadow impact
  • The City has designated part of the site for parkland dedication, which the development has not adequately addressed
  • This development offers no appropriate transition to the low rise houses on the south side of Soudan and the townhomes on Redpath. On the Soudan side there will be a massive four-storey podium – almost a wall - across the street from modest two-storey homes. On Redpath, one of the towers will be directly abutting the townhomes. And, on Brownlow, one of the towers will directly block the existing rental building at 18 Brownlow, owned by the same developer.
You can learn more about this development and SERRA's advocacy at the recently-created website For the event flyer, please click here.

Midtown in Focus Open House

The Yonge and Eglinton area has experienced significant growth and change in the last decade. We need your input to ensure that the community continues to be an attractive place to live, work, learn, play and invest.

That's why I've been actively working with the City and the Midtown Working Group to develop a plan for the Yonge and Eglinton area, Midtown in Focus, that ensures the ingredients of a livable community are in place, including parks and public spaces, great old and new buildings, community services and facilities, transportation and servicing infrastructure.

Join the conversation! This Saturday (June 3), the City is hosting a public open house and workshop regarding the Midtown in Focus study to share work to date and gather your comments and ideas for the future of Midtown. I encourage you to drop by the Commons at North Toronto Collegiate Institute between 9:30am-2pm this Saturday.

REMINDER: Deer Park Residents Group Annual General Meeting

Please join me for the Deer Park Residents Group (DPRG) Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, June 6 at Calvin Presbyterian Church (26 Delisle Avenue). The membership desk will open at 6:30pm and the meeting will commence at 7pm.

The annual meeting of the DPRG is an opportunity for residents of our neighbourhood to learn about activities during the past year. The agenda will include a summary of actions taken by the DPRG, events in our district and an election of members of the Board for the coming year. I will be speaking to attendees about developments in Ward 22 and beyond that have an impact on all of us. Any persons attending who are not already members of the DPRG will be encouraged to join.

The DPRG welcomes members who have an interest in participating in its activities and serving on the Board. Please feel welcome to email [email protected] for more information.

Brentwood Towers Tenants' Association AGM

I look forward to participating in the upcoming Brentwood Towers Tenants' Association (BTTA) Annual General Meeting at 7:30pm on Tuesday, June 13 at Calvin Presbyterian Church (26 Delilse Avenue) to update members on local and city-wide issues and developments.

Sherwood Park Residents’ Association AGM

I also look forward to participating in the upcoming SPRA Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, June 14 at The Sherwood (2567 Yonge Street) to update members on local and city-wide issues and developments.

For information on the SPRA, please click here.

REMINDER: Chaplin Estates Garage Sale

Please join me on Saturday, June 3rd for the Chaplin Estates Garage Sale! The event will take place in the area bounded by Yonge Street, Chaplin Crescent, and Eglinton Ave W and will run from 8am to 2pm. I hope to see you there!

Blessing of the Animals and Community BBQ at Glebe Road United Church

My friends at Glebe Road United Church and the Midtown Yonge BIA will be hosting a Special Service for you and your pet on Sunday, June 4. All are welcome! Bring your pets, bring your family, bring your friends. The Service will be followed by a community BBQ and plenty of activities for the kids!

For full event details, please click here.

New Green Bins Roll Out Across Ward 22

The City continues to phase in delivery of the new Green Bins and the neighbourhoods in the southern part of District 2, west of Yonge Street and south of Eglinton Avenue. It will take about three months to complete this distribution. Solid Waste crews deliver to one collection route per day, which represents approximately 1,500 households. Don't be alarmed if you see residents in your area with new bins and you have not received one -- yours is coming. On the same day that residents get their new Green Bin, the old one will be taken away and recycled. If crews miss removing your old bin that day, set it out empty on your next collection cycle and it will be picked up then (those who miss this second opportunity may contact 311 to arrange removal).

As Solid waste staff move through our neighbourhoods, you can check the bin delivery progress in your area at These maps are updated weekly and are a useful tool to refer to regarding inquiries on the delivery status of the new Green Bins.

Here are the City of Toronto's messages about  some of the New Green Bin's key features (with my comments in italics):
  • It is animal-resistant so it can be stored outside or placed at the curb the night before collection with the lid in the locked position. (we'll see about that- the mayor called them "raccoon-proof" but I'll want to see if they actually are)
  • It is larger (much larger, perhaps too large) and can hold more organics. Plus, it meets automated collection requirements.
  • Set out is important. Place the bin with the dial in the locked position with the arrows on the top of the lid facing the street to receive collection. Please remember to leave 0.5 metres between bins for automated collection.
More tips on using your new bin will be delivered with the bin. It is important to start using your new bin on your next collection day because we will no longer be able to collect from the old one. If you are currently an approved garbage and recycling bag-only customer, City staff will contact you to determine if the new Green Bin is suitable for your property.

Over the years, your strong participation in the Green Bin Program makes it the most successful and beneficial program of its type in North America. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Health & Beauty Day At Central Eglinton Community Centre

The wonderful folks at Central Eglinton Community Centre (160 Eglinton Avenue East), including Executive Director John Carey, are hosting their 2017 Heath and Beauty Day at 10am-3pm on Friday, June 9. They will have free seminars, Pilates and Yoga classes and much more to explore for your health and well-being.

Full event details are available here.

Green and Cool Roof Grants

Time for a new roof? The City offers incentives for the installation of green and cool roofs on Toronto's residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. Green roofs are eligible for $100 per square metre, cool roofs from $2 to $5 per square metre. You can also get a grant to assess the capacity of your building to support a green roof. Learn more and apply at Eco-Roof Incentive Program.

Bike Month 2017

The City of Toronto, through its Live Green Toronto and Smart Commute Programs, has partnered with Cycle Toronto to host dozens of rides, races, tours and festivals across the City to celebrate Bike Month! You can view the full calendar of events here.

145 - 149 Chaplin Crescent Public Meeting

The City has received an application to amend the Zoning By-law to permit five 3-storey townhouses each containing a 1-car integral garage a proposed height of 12.5 metres. The site is adjacent to the Kay Gardiner Beltline Trail.

Please join me at 7pm on Wednesday, May 31 (tonight) in the Cameron Room at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church (1585 Yonge Street), for a meeting to discuss the proposed development. City Planning staff will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.

Development Proposals in Ward 22

To ensure you are informed and engaged about development proposals being proposed for sites near your neighbourhood, I've created an interactive webpage

My webpage listing all the proposed developments in Ward 22 has recently been updated to reflect current development applications and, as always, contains locations, staff reports and public meeting notices. Additionally, the map now shows the boundaries of the Urban Growth Centre surrounding Yonge and Eglinton, as well as the designated Avenues (portions of Eglinton Avenue West, St. Clair Avenue West, Yonge Street, Mt. Pleasant Road and Bayview Avenue). These are all areas where the Province is directing growth. Clicking on any of them will provide links to more information about the ward's Avenues/Urban Growth Centre, as well as links to the City's Official Plan and local secondary plans. 

The OMB is a quasi-judicial, un-elected and un-accountable provincial body that has the final say on all planning decisions in the province of Ontario. The tribunal's powers to overrule decisions made by our elected municipal representatives are anti-democratic and often lead to planning decisions that far too often support the interests of the development industry over those of our communities and our city's official plan. To read more about the OMB and my advocacy to free Toronto from its purview, please click here.

City Hall and Community Update for May 1, 2017

Leadership on Housing and Transit Begins by Setting the Right Priorities

I'm very concerned about how, while the mayor understandably calls on the Province for adequate funding for the significant transit and housing shortfalls in Toronto, I believe there have been decisions made at city hall that have not demonstrated thoughtful or competent management of these priorities from either a financial or social and urban planning policy perspective.

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