Councillor Josh Matlow's Community Update for September 12th, 2012

Dear Resident,


I hope this finds you well and that "back to school/work/life/real world/you've been working through the summer but are still busy" has been a positive experience for you and your family :)


For those of you who will be celebrating the Jewish High Holidays this month, I wish you and your family a Shana Tova.


Keeping you informed and engaged in our community and city has always been a priority for me. Please read below for a list of public meetings and events I've prepared for you. As your advocate, I deeply value your feedback and I hope that you'll be able to attend any meeting that is of interest to you.


Best regards,




Josh Matlow
Toronto City Councillor
Ward 22-St.Paul's


Beltline Contact Information

Thank you to everyone who attended the City of Toronto's Public Meeting regarding the Beltline Trail on Monday evening. If you have any additional feedback about the Beltline, or were unable to attend the meeting, please contact Wendy Strickland (Natural Environment Specialist with the City of Toronto's Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division) at [email protected] or by calling 416-392-7111. You can also visit


Meeting to discuss the TDSB's proposed redevelopment plan for Davisville PS

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is in the process of considering redevelopment of the Davisville Public School property. As your City Councillor, I have been closely following the TDSB's work towards a development proposal that would ultimately come to City Hall, as it will have an enormous impact on both our community and the stability of our neighbourhoods.


I have been made aware that the TDSB is exploring proposals that could see several condominiums on the Davisville site, with one of the buildings at 20 storeys.


The Davisville PS is located in a Neighbourhood designated zone under Toronto's Official Plan. This designation allows for a maximum of 4 storeys. The south side of Davisville is located in an Apartment Neighbourhood, with an allowance for higher structures.


Having served our community as a two-term school trustee, I fully understand the financial pressures the TDSB is facing to provide excellent programming in quality facilities our children, parents and teachers deserve. I have been working with Trustee Laskin, the TDSB and City Planners to find a solution. However, I have significant concerns with how the TDSB has gone about their process and want to ensure that parents and residents are fully informed about what the school board can, and cannot, do on the site.


Today (Wednesday, September 12th) from 7 pm to 9 pm I will be hosting a public meeting regarding the proposed Davisville PS redevelopment. The meeting location is Christ Church Deer Park, Elliot Hall, at 1570 Yonge Street. Please join me and City Planning Staff to discuss this important issue further. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and voice your concerns. I look forward to seeing you.


Vision for the Village Town Hall Meeting for Forest Hill Residents

On Thursday, September 13th from 7 pm to 9 pm, I will be hosting a Forest Hill Town Hall meeting where you can discuss your priorities for your neighbourhood and city. The meeting location is the Grace Church on-the-Hill at 300 Lonsdale Road in the Parish Hall and Reception Room.


Women Are City-Builders Workshop

On Sunday, September 23rd, Women in Toronto Politics will be hosting a one-day workshop called Women are City-Builders at the Academy of the Impossible.


The workshop will bring 30 diverse Toronto women together to discuss ideas for improving the City of Toronto, and translate those ideas into specific recommendations. Women in Toronto Politics will then make an upcoming budget deputation to City Council based on these recommendations. The workshop will be facilitated by design workshop gurus Exhibit Change. Applications are due Friday, September 14th.


The workshop cost is $20, with 5 subsidized and 5 free seats available. For more information, please visit


Oriole Park Garage Sale

The Oriole Park Association is organizing a community garage sale on Saturday, September 15th from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. This is a great chance to clear out the house before winter. Simply place your articles on your front lawn starting at 8:30 and get ready to bargain!


For more information, please visit


Toronto Trails Festival 2012

On this Saturday, September 15th at 10 am I look forward to attending the launch of the Toronto Trails Festival at the Starbucks at 446 Spadina Rd.


The event will include "Walk the Cedarvale Ravine," a 30 minute yoga season, and "Walk the Kay Gardner Beltline Park," including a stop at the Robert Bateman Parkette.


I look forward to seeing you there! For more information, please visit


City Cider at Spadina Museum

Spadina Museum in partnership with Not Far From the Tree present this fall harvest event on Sunday, September 16, 12 to 4 pm. Not Far From the Tree will demonstrate proper heritage apple picking methods and press apples from the Spadina Orchard into cider for serving. There will be children's activities, music, and tours of the historic gardens led by Spadina Museum's heritage gardeners. Experiment with silhouettes, a popular craft of the War of 1812 era, honouring this year's War of 1812 Bicenntennial. Admission is $5 per person over 12 yrs.


Free for children 12 and under. Includes admission to the historic house.


The new Dunfield/Soudan Park

On Thursday, June 14th I welcomed a new park to Ward 22 for residents to enjoy, complete with a brand new playground. I've announced a public contest to name the new park to ensure that the neighbourhood has a say. Please consider names that you believe reflect the community and let me know your suggestions by emailing [email protected]. The submission deadline is October 1st, 2012.


Toronto's Next Great Food Product Contest 2012

Are you an entrepreneur with an idea for a new delicious commercial food or alcoholic beverage? If so, come compete in Toronto's Next Great Product Contest at the 2012 Small Business Forum. The contest will take place on October 16th, 2012. Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to pitch their products to three celebrity judges: Dufflet Rosenberg, Christine Cushing, and John Mastroianni. Great pitches win great prizes, including a free trade show spot in the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association Show. The deadline for applications has been extended until September 17th. More information, please visit


Ward 22 Toronto Community Housing Town Halls

During the months of September and October, I'm meeting with residents of every TCHC building in our community to actively listen to their needs and priorities. Please see the calendar at for upcoming dates and locations.


Through the Garden Gate, Spring 2013

The Toronto Botanical Garden's famous garden tour is looking for gardens in the Forest Hill area for next spring's event. If you have received a letter from the garden scouting team and you are interested in being on the tour, please respond by emailing or calling the contact person on the letter. If you have a garden that you think the team should evaluate and haven't yet received a letter from the TBG, please contact Doryne Peace at [email protected]. A master gardener and a volunteer assistant will be placed in each garden. The home owner is not required to be home.


This is the 26th year of the tour and it occurs on June 8th and 9th, 2013. The money raised by the event goes toward the programs operated by the TBG. Happy Gardening!


St. Clair West Community Website and Facebook Page

The St. Clair West Community is now on Facebook at /182855901816744. Links to events and information about the neighbourhood are provided.


Families in Transition

Families in Transition (FIT), a department of the non-profit Family Service Toronto, provides support for child adjustment when parents separate, divorce or remarry. Their semi-annual brochure, Coping With Change, is now available. Further information on support programs can be found on their website at


For ongoing council and community information, along with a calendar of events, please visit

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