Councillor Matlow's Community Update for March 8, 2013

Dear residents,

Please read below my latest community update to keep you engaged and informed. I wish you a very happy International Women's Day.



Remembering Charlotte Maher

This week, I was deeply saddened to learn of my friend Charlotte Maher's passing. Charlotte made invaluable contributions to the Midtown and North Toronto community through her pioneering work with organizations such as People and Organizations in North Toronto (P.O.I.N.T), the Central Eglinton Community Centre, the Upper Yonge Village Day Care, the Sherwood Park Residents’ Association, and Senior Peoples’ Resources in North Toronto (SPRINT).

It was an honour to work with Charlotte on creating an age-friendly Toronto. I loved her dearly and will always appreciate the many contributions she made over many years to our community.

On behalf of our community, I am so grateful to Chrlotte Maher for her many contributions.  She will be missed.

International Women's Day

Proclaimed in 1977 by the United Nations, International Women's Day is an international day of reflection on women's rights and advances that have been made towards women's equality both in Canada and internationally. This year, International Women's Day is being celebrated today on Friday, March 8th. I urge you to take a moment to reflect on all the advances made in the women's rights movement as well as reflect on the challenges still facing women today. I hope that we can all work towards a day that my daughter, and all women, will have truly equal access to every one of life's opportunities.

Seniors Strategy at Community Development and Recreation Committee

As Chair of the Seniors Strategy Subcommittee, I am very pleased to confirm that the City of Toronto's Seniors Strategy will be coming to the Community Development and Recreation Committee (CDRC) on April 17th before going to City Council in May. Please be advised that this date had changed recently, as the Seniors Strategy was originally scheduled to go before CDRC on March 18th. I have heard many positive suggestions to improve our city's physical environment to reflect the priorities of an aging population and look forward to discussing the Strategy further at CDRC next month and encourage you to come and either visit, or even make a deputation, at this meeting!

Taking Action on the Roots of Youth Violence

It's been such an honour working with our communities and the co-authors of the Review of the Roots of Youth Violence, Dr. Alvin Curling and the Honourable Roy McMurtry, to move this important work forward. I would like to once again thank Mayor Ford and my colleagues for their unanimous support of my motion, Taking Action on the Roots of Youth Violence. I am very happy to share with you a recent letter from Dr. Curling, commending Toronto City Council for addressing this priority and encouraging us to not stop stop until this work is done.

Improving snow removal services for Toronto's residents

This winter I have heard from many of you, with some valid and reasonable concerns with regards to the City's level of service when it comes to snow removal.

Prior to my February 28th meeting with the General Manager of Transportation, I shared with you a letter itemizing theses concerns with City staff and I indicated I wanted to help find ways to resolve these concerns.

As a follow up on this issue, please see my letter to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee asking that formal direction be given to staff to address the service level gaps for snow removal. I will update you as this progresses.

Art Shoppe Update

After many years of speculation about the future of the Art Shoppe site at 2131 Yonge Street, developers have submitted an application to build two residential towers of 38 and 29 storeys. Local residents and I met with the applicants and firmly expressed that due to the lack of transition between the towers and the single-family neighbourhood to the east, the proposal is completely inappropriate. Also, the Art Shoppe site is outside of the designated Yonge-Eglinton Growth area as defined by the Province and the City. The community accepts that a development of some kind will occur at this location, but a mid rise building would be more appropriate.

City Planning is in agreement with the community and me on this site and we will co-host a public meeting in the spring. I will be sure to provide information on the meeting as soon as it becomes available. As soon as I receive a preliminary report from City staff, I will post it on the interactive map on my website.

Casa Loma's March Break Program

Are you looking for activities over the March break for you and your kids? Casa Loma is holding a carnival-themed program where children will be entertained by the likes of Houdini! The Casa Loma Carnival will be running from March 11th to 16th, and this unique interactive installation will feature a variety of performances, games, and spectacles that can be enjoyed by participants of all ages.

For more information please visit or call 647-725-0707. Events include:

  1. Big Top Cookie Workshop: March 13, 14, 15 & 16, 11:00 am - 12:00 noon.  Children: $18.75 + HST, adults: $23.00 + HST. General Admission to Casa Loma is included. Children will decorate freshly baked carnival-themed cookies and will bring home their collection in a whimsical popcorn box. Pre-registration is necessary for this event. To register, please phone 647-725-1826.
  2. Breakfast with Houdini: March 13, 14, 15 & 16, 8:30 am - 9:30 am.  Children and adults: $25.00 + HST. General Admission to Casa Loma is included. Delight in an exciting breakfast, with the incredible Houdini, in the Casa Loma Conservatory. Children will enjoy Performers Pancakes, Ringmaster Sausages, Stage of Syrup and Butter, and Circus of Fruit. The price also includes a self-guided touring and the Casa Loma Carnival.  Adults will enjoy Assorted Acrobatic Breakfast Pastries, Juggling of Coffee, Tea, and Orange juice. Pre-registration is necessary for this event. To register, please phone 647-725-0707.

TABS On Toronto

The Toronto Public Space Initiative is launching a brand new civic engagement tool called TABS On Toronto that will let residents, media, staff, and organizations sign up for email alerts from City Council based on their keyword preferences.

This system will help residents and organizations such as BIAs and Resident's Associations, City Staff, Media, NGOs, and Councillor's Offices by:

  • Saving them time and money as they won't need to conduct manual searches for the up-to-date information they seek.
  • Making it easier for stakeholders to engage with City Hall and hold government accountable.
  • Helping to prevent stakeholders from missing important issues.

For more information, please visit

Bill Bosworth Memorial Award nominations

The Mothercraft Board of Directors has launched the Bill Bosworth Memorial Award. This biennial award recognizes outstanding contributions, leadership and innovation in the provision or development of services to families with young children in the City of Toronto. The deadline for nominations is Friday, April 19th, 2013, at 5 pm. The recipient of the Bill Bosworth Memorial Award will receive a cash prize of $1,000 and will be presented with the award at a special ceremony. Bill Bosworth was a long-serving Mothercraft Board Director and deeply committed to making a difference for families. For more information, please visit

Greening Your Condo or Apartment Building

Please join me with The Green Team of First Unitarian Congregation to learn how to make your apartment greener and more energy efficient, including strategies and resources that are available to you. Let's make a green and healthful Toronto together!

Date: Tuesday, March 26, at 7 pm

Where: First Unitarian Congregation, Workman Hall, 175 St. Clair Ave. W.

For ongoing council and community information, along with a calendar of events, please visit

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Show Your Support for a Charter City - Sign our Petition and Register to Depute

At Executive Committee on Tuesday, January 28th, Councillor Jamaal Myers and I are moving a motion “Toward Municipal Autonomy and Effective Local Governance” and we need your help! Show your support for a charter city by signing our petition, registering to speak, and submitting written comments for the committee meeting. 

It’s time to start fighting for Toronto’s future. You can register to depute or submit written comments at Executive Committee on January 28th here and you can sign our petition to send a message to your local Councillor and Mayor here

Councillor Matlow's City Hall & Community Update: December 2024

Focusing on Real Solutions to Toronto's Traffic Gridlock

Every day, too many Torontonians find themselves stuck in traffic gridlock, this is unacceptable. While there are many reasons for this, such as a lack of much-needed transit expansion over generations, along with the continuing need to provide people with more options to get around. I am actively calling for change. Far too many of our city's curb lanes are occupied for 2 or 3 years at a time for construction staging. I don't believe this is acceptable and I am calling for change.

Please read this thoughtful Toronto Star story about this priority.

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