Mega Quarry Stopped, Privately Owned Public Spaces, Oriole Park Community Garden, Casa Loma, a Museum of Toronto, the Beltline, Eglinton & more

Melancthon Mega-Quarry Stopped!

YES! Mega-quarry stopped. Highland withdraws Melancthon quarry plans:

To learn more about why Torontonians should care, click here.

Notice of Motion for November 27th City Council Meeting: Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS): Protecting and increasing access to publicly secured open spaces

There are already many dozens of parks, plazas, open spaces, squares and walkways in Toronto that you don't know you're allowed to access and enjoy. In fact, in some cases developers seek to infill onto private land that was secured decades ago by the City of Toronto for public use.

Please see my motion to identify and protect these spaces, and ensure public access, for Toronto's residents.

REMINDER: The Future of Casa Loma and a Museum of Toronto Public Meeting

In August 2011, City Council created the Casa Loma Corporation (CLC) for the purpose of managing the continuing operations of Casa Loma on an interim basis until its future ownership and management direction could be determined. The City of Toronto is now moving forward with a plan to ensure the long-term viability of Casa Loma and the potential for a Museum of Toronto as part of the site’s future. For more information about our progress, click here. I invite you to attend a public meeting to learn about these opportunities and give us your feedback, vision and guidance.

Date: Monday, November 26th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Location: Casa Loma (1 Austin Terrace)

Attendees may arrive at 5:30 p.m. for a site visit of the property prior to the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m.

Call for Committee Members: Oriole Park Community Garden

For the past several months, I have been working with City staff and local residents to establish a community garden, Ward 22's first, in Oriole Park. This new initiative will bring community members together to grow food locally. The decision to establish a community garden in Oriole Park resulted from a Participatory Budgeting meeting I held in April of 2012.

Community gardening is a great way to access fresh, organic crops locally. It helps cut down the need to import international produce, and contributes towards a healthier environment by reducing chemical inputs in our food and reducing pollution caused by the industrial food system. Community gardening provides news ways for our children and youth to connect with the world around them, stimulating healthy and well-connected communities.

I am looking for interested community members near Oriole Park who would like to become involved in launching the project. A committee with five to ten members will be established to assist with this process. It is my hope that the Oriole Park Community Garden Committee will be made up of energetic local residents who are committed to making community gardening an integral part of life in Midtown. If interested, please contact me at [email protected] or call my office at 416-392-7906.

Designing the Future of Eglinton with Antoine Grumbach

Internationally-renowned architect and urban designer Antoine Grumbach will be presenting about the Eglinton Planning Study at Designing the Future of Eglin, Wednesday, November 28 beginning at 6:30 pm. The event location is North Toronto Collegiate Institute (17 Broadway Avenue). The main topic of discussion will be how Eglinton can redevelop and reinvent itself with the new LRT. Some of Mr. Grumbach's previous projects have included public realm improvements for the Le Tramway in Paris and the current expansion of the Moscow LRT system. After an illustrated presentation by Mr. Grumbach at 7:30 pm, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. For more information, please visit

Beltline Trail Study Public Meetings

Next month, there will be two Beltline Trail Study public meetings on December 4th and 5th at the following locations:

  • The south-east public meeting on Tuesday, December 4th will be from 6 to 8:30 pm. The meeting location is the St. Paul's Bloor Street Church (227 Bloor Street East).
  • The north-west public meeting on Wednesday, December 5th will also be from 6 to 8:30 pm. The meeting location is West Preparatory Junior Public School (70 Ridge Hill Drive).

For more information, please visit

Parents, Teens & Money Sense Workshop and Fair

People and Organizations in North Toronto is hosting a public event on financial literacy on Tuesday, November 27 from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. There will be guest speakers presenting on effective money management, setting financial goals, and key financial strategies and tools for teens. You can also get a free autographed copy of "The ABCs of Making Money for Teens". The event will be happening on the 2nd Floor Committee Room at the North Toronto Memorial Community Centre (200 Eglinton Avenue West). Light refreshments will be provided. Please pre-register at 416-487-2390 or send an email to [email protected], as spaces are limited.

Leaf Pickup Procedure

As winter is near, I am kindly reminding residents of the proper procedure for leaf pickup. The City collects garden waste items such as leaves, which can be put out for collection in paper yard waste bags. Please do not leave garden waste out in plastic bags and please do not rake your leaves onto the side of the road.

You can also feed leaves to your backyard composter in the fall, stockpiling leaves to add as dry material during the winter. Backyard bins supplied by the City are available. They are easy to use and cost as little as $15 dollars.

If you have any questions please call 311 or visit

Development Applications

It is a priority for me to keep neighbourhood residents informed about any proposals developers have for our ward. Please click here to see an interactive map I've prepared for you to review. Please always feel welcome to contact my office if you have any questions.

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