Dear Mayor & Council,
As Presidents of the Eglinton Park, Oriole Park, Sherwood Park and South Eglinton Residents' Associations, we represent constituents on both sides of Eglinton Avenue between Mt. Pleasant and Avenue Roads. After several years of consultation and community engagement, it is unfortunate that both the process and the plan for Eglinton Connects have been misconstrued by a few isolated individuals in the community. In addition to the official community consultations held by City Planning, Eglinton Connects has been discussed and widely supported through the Midtown Planning Group and at our AGMs.
We have taken the Eglinton Connects plan so seriously because the Yonge-Eglinton area is fast becoming a very urban, densely populated node. Unfortunately, the infrastructure has not kept pace with this redevelopment.
The sidewalks, for example, are already inadequate to accommodate the number of pedestrians in the area. In addition, there are very few trees and not enough street furniture. The present condition of Eglinton Avenue near Yonge Street will soon become untenable when the numerous condos currently under construction, or in the midst of the approvals process, are completed.
Right now, Eglinton doesn't work for drivers, transit users, pedestrians or cyclists. With the removal of the nine bus routes currently crossing Eglinton between Mt. Pleasant and Avenue Road being replaced by the underground Crosstown LRT, a significant amount of the right-of-way will be freed up.
We look forward to a complete street with widened sidewalks suitable for the many seniors that live in the area, as well as parents with strollers and residents with mobility issues. Our neighbourhood desires an animated streetscape with outdoor cafés, public art, separated bike lanes and pocket parks. The space afforded for large trees along Eglinton is especially supported by our memberships.
We have also had concerns about traffic movement on Eglinton and possible infiltration into our neighbourhoods. That's why we have been proactively working with Councillor Matlow to address these issues and are pleased to have provided input on his motion to help ensure Eglinton has right-hand turn lanes and synchronized traffic signals with technology to address queuing in left turn lanes. "Zebra stripes" at intersections and other measures are also needed to protect our local neighbourhoods.
While we recognize that no Neighbourhood Transition Areas (NTA) or expanded laneways are proposed for our community, we support Councillor Matlow's motion that requires fulsome consultation should either be proposed.
The Eglinton Connects plan is supported by us, the Presidents of our respective Residents' Associations, because it envisions Eglinton as a beautiful Main Street for all Torontonians that balances a number of priorities, not just as a highway for people passing through.
Tom Cohen Ben Daube
President, EPRA President, Sherwood Park Residents' Association
Greg Russell Chris Sellors
Past President, SERRA President, Oriole Park Association